Hi everyone! I just heard a bad rumour that there are no throw ins anymore. Is that true? For everybody who doesn't know what it is: Don't ask! It's a suprise... bye bye Chrissi
Throw in's have been pretty much stopped by Price Management. I arrived in Sept and did not have one! We have meet n greets in the UK when new people arrive now! Colin
well since they don't do them anymore can you tell us what they were? its not like you will be ruining any surprise now if it doesnt still happen! ;D
I fear saying this may make people want to throw me into exhile from the UK, but i think it's a good idea they're banned now... when I first started they were so much fun, EVERYONE got involved and it was such a drunken laugh....by the time I left they were a load of pants... The Canadians had the best idea with their meet'n'greet and dinner party thing....one of them was at my apartment once and it was so much friendlier/far less humiliating than a UK throw in! x x x
thats what i pictured, but by the fact its been banned and described as humiliating i would imagine its something much worse!!! theres nothing wrong with being chucked in a swimming pool every now and then
I feel like making an obligatory "WOO!" for the Canadian shout-out, haha. Things seem to have really been tightened down there. No PI, no throw-ins, soon they'll have separate complexes for girls and guys. Oh, can we please cross fingers that this doesn't happen?
at some point ya'll should be happy u dont have to go through the whole throw-in thing....i got there dec 2005 and i got the whole program....well, if u yourself get it then it really isnt much fun anymore if u canot even pick them up from there apartment with yelling, singing etc. big parties have pretty much died there...which sucks but im glad i got to experience a lil bit of the real partytime so guys take it easy....and i think by now u better be over 21 or have a fake id
I have to say - without sound like an alcoholic - that if I'd been under 21 I'm not sure I would have gone to do the ICP. It's not like I'm an alcoholic but in Vista ALL the over-21s in our building drank most of the time and I think it would have driven me a bit crazy not being able to join in. But also, it's the constant being viewed with suspicion by security, staff at PI, everyone. You're guilty until proven innocent and I reckon I would have got myself termed shooting my mouth off at security or something like that Re: initiations, I didn't see anything of that sort either, but oh boy I saw a LOT of parties I don't think Price will ever really be able to stop the party culture out there because 1. they can't be everywhere at all times and 2. it's what makes the living experience out there what it is - as an international you don't fly 4500 miles to work 10 hours a day and then placidly go to bed at 9pm Long live Vista parties!!
Throw ins have been banned by disney and inforced by price management. Simply because two or three pavilions done some cruel things.. (The uk was not one of them) the meet and great is a good idea.. but the last one was very last minute. but still fun.
ya i wanna know about the throw inns too lol.... too bad the new ones going down there miss it... ah well...