Do lots of people get sent home?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by CharlotteSparkle, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    Hiya, I've been reading some old posts and I'm starting to get the impression that lots of people get sent home for stupid things. One post even said if they're over-staffed they look for things to send people home for!! Please tell me that isn't true? ???

  2. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    When I was there last summer, A LOT of people got sent home..mostly for drinking. Not tons though, considering there are thousands of people in the apartments
  3. KC

    KC New Member

    It does happen. But not usually for silly little reasons. The majority of times, the person had it coming.

    To be honest, if you work hard, are good with the guests, and play by the rules, Disney is the best company to work for. They'll go out of their way to do everything they can for you. On the other hand, if you call in lots, if you're discourteous, if you're generally not a good CM or if you consistently break the community codes (or break one of the more important ones), then they will come down like a ton of bricks on you and become an absolute experience from hell. If you give them a reason to, they will term you at the drop of a hat and be absolutely horrible to you.

    The only exception to this is when alcohol (or drugs, I presume) is found in a wellness apartment and no one owns up to it. Then they'll be absolutely horrible to you whether it was yours or not.

    Otherwise, you don't really need to worry.
  4. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    well i guess it's fair enough if you deserve it. I think the worst thing would be if someone in your apartment has alcohol gets caught with alcohol n u end up in trouble coz of their stupidity. If i get in i'm not lettin ANYONE jeopardise (dunno how to spell that!!) my position there! xxx
  5. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I kinda worried a bit about this too and I don't even know if I'm in yet or not! :-\

    Someone made a comment on a board from ages ago that said something like 'Everyone does drugs at the commons, you'd be stupid to think they don't' or something along those lines. Granted, everyone piped up and said that wasn't true but it certainly got me thinking... There was a discussion too about whether you'd tell security who's it was or wait for them to fess up. To be honest it might make me sound like a bit of a grass, but if I got in I don't think I'd have any qualms about ratting someone out who was doing drugs in my apartment. I would have worked WAY too hard for it to come back and bite me in the ass like that...
  6. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    I feel exactly the same. I'm not in yet either, and i think i would do the same thing in that situation. Hope it doesn't come to that tho!
  7. KC

    KC New Member

    To be honest, your opinion might change when you get out there. You find you probably trust and like your roommates more than you thought.

    That said, I was lucky in that one of my roommates didn't drink (like me) and the other two never did it in the apartment, so it was fine.

    It's the luck of the draw, I suppose. As long as your roommates are careful with drinking, there's not really a problem.

  8. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    im over 21 so the drinking thing doesnt apply however if anyone in myappt does drugs i would prob report them.i dont want to lose out on my place.if they want to do drugs elsewhere thats fine by me as it doesnt effect me.its only a year i mean if u cant spend a year without drugs in ur appt then u need help anyways
  9. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    My problems were never with Disney they were with Price Management. I felt like they took pleasure out of sending people home. I was over 21 but I could hardly be bothered drinking cause it was so much hassle with being interegated and showing your ID a thousand times esp at PI. If your not breaking the rules then there is no need to worry about being terminated. REMEMBER: if you are over 21 and drinking do not give your drink to someone under 21 even for one second, and don't drink outside your apartment without ID on you, those are my tips!
  10. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    i heard fromsomeone that if u over 21 and in ur appt with under 21s who are drinking that u can get termed ??? is that true?
  11. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    I was in an apartment of over 21s, and if I wasn't I would have moved! I haven't heard of anyone 21 who lived in a wellness apartment, although I think you can request it. God knows why you would want to though???!!
  12. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    Do you mean like if there was a party or something in one appt and there was a mix of over agers and underagers and security come round??? think that could get pretty messy.......!!
    What does everyone use for ID?? Ive only got my passport (and my provisional driving licence but some how i cant see any one letting me get away with using that!) but i dont really fancy taking my passport out with me - i would be sure to loose it and that wouldnt be fun! When we get our disney ID/housing ID does that have our D.O.B on it - and do they let us use that as ID???? I know that we can get a Florida state ID but i guess it will take a few weeks before we get organised with that.....
  13. Jay1988

    Jay1988 New Member

    So basicaly il b in a wellness apartment. and if i dont drink n my roomates do. And they check our room and they find drink. ive gota say it was them, so i keep my job. Thats prity harsh
  14. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    yeah,if your under 21 you will be put in a wellness appt,and therefore no drink is allowed in your appt - if you get caught with drink and no one takes the blame for it i think you will all get sent home.......maybe not but it seems like its that strict.....yeah it is pretty harsh i agree with you,it should be like 3 strikes and your out or something,rather that just sending everyone home for 1 persons mistake!
  15. linsey

    linsey New Member

    any form of photographic id will work, your drivers licence will, I've used mine plenty in the states. But you can go to the dmv and get a florida ID card for 5 dollars and that would be even better. or get your florida driver's licence for about 25 dollars, which is what I plan to do.
  16. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    even my provisional?? dont have my full licence yet ....!!! yeah im going to get the state ID as soon as i can but i was told we have to wait untill we get our social security number before we can apply for it??? hopefully it wont take to long to get it all sorted!!!! How are you linsey anyway??? havent spoken to ya on msn for a wee while!!! hope you well!! ;D
  17. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    If it's your apartment (and the under 21s live there as well). Basically if there's anyone under 21 living in the apartment, it has to be dry. Visitors don't count.

    Actually you will all get termed unless someone fesses up to owning it (Saying it was so and so won't cut it unless so and so admits it), and they don't have much time to fess up. If one of you tells security on your roomates, everyone will get termed except the person who came forward, unless the owner steps forwards (this is for Alcohol/drugs in wellness and drugs in non-wellness).
  18. KC

    KC New Member

    I think it's really Disney covering their backside...

    If you are in possession of alkeyhol in Florida and are under 21, you can be arrested. They expect that people in wellness apartments wont be drinking... And, to be fair, everyone does get prior warning. From the interviews all the way through to your first days at the program, it's drilled into you what will happen to you if you're caught.

    If you and/or your roommates get termed cos of alkeyhol, it can't be said that they weren't warned. Don't get me wrong, people drink underage all the time there. It happens... But the second you stop being careful about it, that's usually the time you get sent home.

    If you get what I mean...

    P.S. Your housing ID has your picture, your name, the expiry date, and if you're under 21, big letters saying "UNDER 21". Otherwise, just your name, photo and expiry date.
  19. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    I had my Disney ID, Housing ID and passport on me if I went anywhere. Your passport is the best form of ID cause in loads of places they don't recognise your driving liscence as authentic.
  20. Emi

    Emi New Member

    What happens if you lose your passport over there though?

    Can a new one be issued from the British Colsolate? Or do you have to apply for a new one back home and get it sent over? ???

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