Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CanadaMan, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

    Heres a fun thing to take ur mind off the waiting game everyone, if you have a question or an answer post it here, first try and answer the previous question though, then post a new question, im sure we all know a lot about disney since we are all in the interviewing process at the present...

    Heres the first one and its very difficult....so i'll make it a multiple choice!!!

    In the movie "The Little Mermaid" what does Ariel refer to as "Thing-a- mabobs"

    Bottle Caps
    Cork Screws
  2. josie

    josie New Member


    what disney character appears in the camp at tarzan??
  3. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

    it is cork screws, lol, um moglie from jungle book?
  4. josie

    josie New Member

    oh i was getting confused with whatever it is that she calls forks, such a cute word which i now can't remember! DUR

    nope, it was chip from beauty and the beast.
  5. emma

    emma New Member

    canadian people
  6. marshabrady

    marshabrady New Member

    she calls forks 'dingle-hoppers' haha! How cute when she starts brushing her hair wih one at the table!
    ok, I know its not technically my turn, but what the hell!

    Why was an early VHS version of 'The Rescuers' recalled?

    p.s. shouldn't this be in the 'general discussion' section?
  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    sorry marsha brady i dont get the question? :(

  8. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

    I'm not sure about the rescurers tape, but heres another one....


    Who is the voice of simba??
  9. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    johnathon taylor thomas? from home improvement?

  10. loops_li

    loops_li New Member

    "the film print used to create the second video release of the video tape contained 2 frames of R-rated images as orville takes off from the rooftop and levels out from that harrowing nosedive. 3.4 million copies of the film were quickly recalled, corrected, and put back on sales shelves at video stores near you" I love Orville!  

    I also think voice of simaba was Johnathan Taylor Thomas

  11. marshabrady

    marshabrady New Member

    Well done Lianne, you go the answer to my question right. My friend has a copy of the 'dodgy' Rescuers, and you can totally see a naked lady when they fly past all these buildings!! Ha haa
  12. loops_li

    loops_li New Member

    Really? That is so funny! I wish I could see that! hahaha :D

  13. marshabrady

    marshabrady New Member

    Well, just for you Lianne, i found it on the web!! As you can see it really is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it picture.
  14. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    how did that end up in ther/??
    strange! :D

    what was mickey mouse's original name?
  15. emma

    emma New Member

    mortimer but mrs disey thought that was too pompus!
  16. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    corectomondo emm ;D
  17. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    And he was a bunny before he was a mouse :eek:
  18. emma

    emma New Member

    urgh yeah he looked liek a propa wrongin!!! whoohoo thaks tink!! star pupil here!!!
  19. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

    lol everyone...Heres a tougher one, who did the voice of Aladin.

    Hint: You don't have to know his name, Just the hit sitcom he played in for years, and his character name on the hit sitcom....

    This ones tough.....

    If you know his real name, WOW.....

  20. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    Scott Weinger?

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