Disney recruiters.....

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by xsamx, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    I know this may seem like a really silly question, but does anybody know if the graduate program have the same Disney recruiters for the International cultural rep program?

    thanks if you can help me.

  2. xsamx

    xsamx New Member

    I mean do they do the interviews for all the Disney programs? Just incase that doesnt make sense.... ::) ::) ::) :)
  3. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    Hey. i would think that all of the Feb/March UK interviews would be taken by the same Disney recruiters. I know in previous years they were. But they will probably be different interviewers compared to last years interviewers... if that makes sense!
  4. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    Re: Disney recruiters......

    i believe that they will be the same... as they normsally go round the whole country inteviewing!

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