Has anyone who was interviewed on the 19th of march recieved their pack yet.. if so whats in it? i have come home for easter break and fear that yummy might have sent it to my university
I had my interview last Novemeber.. and havnt recieved my pack yet either!! but the waiting game has begun for it i guess.. every day i ckeck the post and every day im dissappointed
Well in Canada we usually get it about 4-6 weeks before we leave for Florida (so you should actually start thinking about it now I think kekepuana). Yummy typically sends things out a lot quicker however I think this is still too soon to worry about recieving it yet.
my pack arrived about 4 weeks after i was told i had got in. I got a phone call from Michele at yummy jobs the week before so that she could go over the acknowledgement form (they have to go over this with you before they send you your pack - or at least they do for cultural rep!!) anyway,in the pack there is: The Disney Look Book (its a little red book that tells you what is and isnt acceptable ways of dress etc for disney) your acknowledgement form which you have to sign and fax to the disney office in florida,a step by step guide from yummy telling you everything you have to do to get to disney (info on the visa process,what forms to fill in etc) there will be your criminal background check forms,which you must fill in and send back to yummy with a cheque for £52 ( )there are also info sheets on the housinf complexs for you to read over (nothing exiting,just rules and regs!!) thats kinda it - it all comes in a nice blue folder tho!!!!
Yeah, they phoned me before sending it because there's a form they need to go through with you and initial, before sending it for you to sign and fax to Disney which comes with it. So if they phone you over the holidays just ask them when they'll be sending it out, and if it's over easter then just request for it to be sent to your home addresss? I'd've thought it would be quite soon though, because of flights, having to send off your criminal record check, etc, etc.
I had my interview here in Vancouver back in November and Eric from Castaway said I could expect the package to arrive in April & not to book my flight until then. Well... It's April 1st tomorrow and I'm getting more and more anxious! Can't wait to be in Florida! See you all there May 27th, 2007!!!
GdelaC- My friend emailed Eric and he told her that she didn't have to wait to get her package to book the flight. I'm confused now, so I don't know if we are supposed to wait for the package or just go ahead and book it???
i got my information pack way back at the beginning of the year. If any one is interested i have scanned the documents recieved from yummy jobs and the welcome booklet which tells you how it will all work and what to do whilst waiting (but not the professional dress one cos it's long and it's summerised in the welcome booklet) and so have them on my computer ready to send so send me a note with your e-mail address and i'll e-mail you them, obviously you'll still be reciving your own copy to take with you but at least you can have a read and stop worrying. katie x katiejanebrown@googlemail.com
What about people who applied for the summer program? Does everyone get them? Our interviews (well, this set, I know most people already had them) don't start until next week. Will we still have time to get them before we go? I'm thinking it'll take a few weeks until we find out if we are accepted. So that leaves about a month to get the packs.
I interviewed on March 19th for the ICP, and my pack came today! less than 3 weeks after my interview! wow!
K Paige: Hmm, I'm not sure, that's just what I remember Eric telling me...but I haven't heard from him in a long time! I still have to get my criminal record check done this week, and I'm waiting to get my new passport so I can fax him a copy, but I will double check with him I guess cuz yea, time is getting pretty close!!! ...I'm gonna try to convince my dad to give me some airmiles to pay for the flight! haha