Disney on Ice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TinkTingeling, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Has anyone here seen Disney on Ice? And how many? You like?

    I saw my first one almost a year ago. A lot of people laughed at me and my friend, because we'd just left Disney, and then go to see the show. But it must have been faith, because we were on vacation in Ireland visiting on of the chefs that were on the CP in the Norwegian restaurant. Then suddenly, one day when we're out walking, we see this huge poster about Disney on Ice were there at the same time as us. Of course, we went straight to the tourist office and booked some tickets. Luckily, we had front row seats on the balcony, with an exelent view. The bonus was to see all the little girls dressed up in princess dresses (it was a princess themed show) again ;D

    Now the show is coming to Norway and I'm going this Saturday, I can't wait :D
  2. Disney_Geek

    Disney_Geek Member

    lol I took my ex gf to see it for her 16th birthday back in the day ha ha. Loved it! I also remember a bit of seeing Aladdin on Ice when I was young... and the camel really did spit into the audience :p

    James :D ;) ;D :)
  3. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    That sounds cool :p

    I've always dreamt about going to the show when I was younger, but I've lived too far away and it's really expensive to travel and live in hotels in Norway, so I've never had the opportunity until now!

    I wonder what the theme on this show is though...
  4. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    I remember aladdin on ice too!!! :eek: It was well good. The shows are definatly worth seeing although i've not been to one since I was very very young. I'd love to go again.
  5. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I've never been :( I feel deprived. I'd love to see one though.... maybe if they have one over the summer.
  6. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    AHHH!! I've been to see disney on ice every year since I was really young (5 I think?? my first one was snow white...) This year the High school musical on ice is coming to my home town, and I can't wait!!! I know the audience is mostly little ones, but honestly I think I enjoy it just as much, if not more than they do!
    The shows can be a bit cheesy, shortening the plots of disney movies, especially the shows that combine two or three movies into one two hour show (ie the jungle show, which came to my town two years in a row, had jungle book, tarzan and...hmmm, I forget the last movie)
    The best show by far was the hundred years of magic show-- It had no story line really, just kind of honoured disney, and there were rarer (or I guess less well known) disney songs in it as well (my favourite being `whale of a tale`-- soooooo good!)

    So, to summarize this long-winded, 2:30 am post, yes I enjoy disney on ice. They are well done, full of very talented skaters, and they`re great if you need a disney fix!

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