Disney movie favourates etc..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by marshabrady, Feb 6, 2005.

  1. marshabrady

    marshabrady New Member


    Was a bit hungover this morning and ended up watching Tarzan followed by Beauty and the Beast, all whilst snuggled in my duvet on the sofa.. anywho, it got me thinking about those funny Disney details that you only notice the second/third time of watching the film. For example, I noticed that in Tarzan, the tea set at Jane's camp is identical to the tea set in Beaty & the Beast (Mrs. Potts and Chip), cute eh?
    So do any other Disney geeks notice such finishing touches in other movies? And has anyone visited http://www.snopes.com/disney/films/films.asp#rescuers and seen all those urban legends about rude and random inserts into Disney films? It's really interesting!

    Beth  :-*

  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    hey !!very interesting checked out the websit! ;D

    ill keep my eyes open im forver wachin disney movieas! ;D

    greetings ;D
  3. French Donald

    French Donald New Member

    Thank you it is very interesting :)
  4. ellen101

    ellen101 New Member

    Scar is also featured in Hercules, and Sebasitan is in Aladdin...I've checked the cover of my Little Mermaid cassette tape and the castle turret is not phallically shaped!! phew...that would have ruined it!!

    Ellen xxx
  5. emma

    emma New Member

    yeah thats site was funny! where is sebastian in alladin?

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