Disney Dreaming...

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by WanabeInDisney, Dec 26, 2011.

  1. WanabeInDisney

    WanabeInDisney New Member

    So I imagine most of us from the UK have got our applications in now or are polishing, tweaking and adding final touches. I keep checking this forum (in an effort to speed up time until mid January!) and am in desperate need of some CRP chit chat!

    So here is an idea - three questions to answer if you wish.

    1) Yummy are impressed with you and send you a start date! You open the email, what is the first thing you do and the first person you tell?

    2) What would you do on your first free day in Florida?

    3) ...and to bring us gently back down to Earth, what will you do if you aren't successful in your application?

    I might as well start.. :p

    1) I can imagine lots of jumping up and down - and I'd probably do a general Facebook announcement ha.

    2) Ride splash mountain (of course)

    3) ...umm ...what? I'm sorry the answer to your questionwould involve living in the real world. ;)
  2. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    1. Giggle and jump around squealing like a piglet - then I would tell my mum so she could start planning her holiday to visit me :)
    2. This is difficult - first thing when I get my ID is head straight to MK to watch Wishes - and if I have time maybe hollywood studios for my fave ride ToT - first full day off? gotta be busch gardens - get my annual pass sorted and go ride my all time fave coaster sheikra - reason is when your there you got time before and after work to hit the disney parks buuutttt you need a full day off to do busch gardens cos its 60-90 min drive there and back
    3. As I am not raising my hopes this time round I have a continegnecy plan and thats to finish my NVQ and apply to go back to Uni to do hospitality and international business management
  3. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    1. Scream and then burst into tears (thats how i reacted when i got on the ICP)nd then tell my mum. Shes the only person i've told about applying.
    2. First free day - go character hunting :) find Donald and give him a hug, then i know i'm at Disney.
    3. I will carry on working at my job trying to move up the career ladder. I'm not getting my hopes up for the CRP so i'm working really hard at the moment
  4. Missish

    Missish New Member

    1. I'd probably jump out of my seat and run around screaming madly. Then I'd phone my parents. They're definitely the first people I'd want to know.

    2. Go the Magic Kingdom and just walk around, being excited that I'm there and I don't have to go home any time soon.

    3. Try and figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. I honestly have no idea, and the thought that I might go to WDW for a year is preventing me from making any real decisions (I can't apply to any graduate schemes, for instance, because they all last at least a year).
  5. Oxy__x

    Oxy__x New Member

    1. I will be in shock if I'm honest. There would be tears, nervous laughing and sighs of disbelief aha ! I would tell either my family or my best friend - as she in paticular has helped me leaps and bounds while applying for this !

    2. I would spend the WHOLE day in the magic kingdom.

    3. I've been rejected twice before so I would continue to gain more experience in hospitality and try again the next time I can apply !
  6. Sophie21

    Sophie21 New Member

    Re: Disney Dreaming...

    1. Absolute disbelief, jumping around and making lots of sounds that don't make any sense. I'd then tell my mum/dad/sister, depending on who I can get in touch with first!

    2. First day off? That one's too hard cos I'd want to do everything! Maybe just wander around the parks or go to one of the water parks just thinking "oh my god I actually get to live and work here for a year!"

    3. Well since I have an interview for a Primary PGCE course in a couple of weeks I guess I'll be doing that. But even though I know I eventually want to be a teacher I hope I'm not doing it too soon!
  7. WanabeInDisney

    WanabeInDisney New Member

    Wow those are some really honest answers. So I am going to amend mine..

    1) I would tell my parents first, then i'd go break the news to my grandad and try and persuade him to come and visit!
    2) ...I actually would rush to splash mountain! Zip a dee doo dar... But then maybe i'd try to take it slow and process that I have a whole year to play in the parks.
    3) Like Missish i'm kind of on hold until I hear from yummy, i'm not happy in my job at the moment but I figured that I might as well wait that little extra time to see what yummy have to say, and then i'll start applying for other jobs and try for Disney again next year.

  8. DisneyAvvie

    DisneyAvvie New Member

    1) Yummy are impressed with you and send you a start date! You open the email, what is the first thing you do and the first person you tell?

    I would honestly cry,and go into shock. But then i won't be able to wait to meet all my fellow UK CM's and start to work for the mouse himself.

    2) What would you do on your first free day in Florida?

    Head to the parks with my roomies then grab some drinks at night. Watch Illuminations while drinking a frozen Margaritas and taking plenty of photos for a lifetime of memories.

    3) ...and to bring us gently back down to Earth, what will you do if you aren't successful in your application?
    Cry,cry and cry again. And then keep reapplying of course :)
  9. Hamburger

    Hamburger New Member

    This is what happened to me:

    1) Go into shock, then scream, then tell my mom.

    2) SLEEP! Then pool!

    3) dunno
  10. Kiseki-man

    Kiseki-man New Member

    1)I will stuck for a couple of seconds whispering "omg...omg...omg....!!" Then tell it at the first person who is at home (I guess my mother therefore), call my gf and inform her too.. (it will be tough living far away for 1 year )
    2) Actually , I really don't know... maybe visit the park or settle all my stuffs better..
    3) I think I'll continue my japanese studies by taking a postgraduate course... (although I don't know where.. Venice.. or Leeds..dunno :-\)

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