Anyone know about getting reduced rates on Disney hotels for family members who want to visit me during the summer programme? Had heard that we were entitled to a discount on the hotels but haven't been able to find out anything about it.
Here is what it says from my ID (incredible discounts) book for June 2006-November 2006. 'The cast member only program allows cast members to book resort rooms at 50, 40 or 25 per cent off standard rates, subject to availability. This discount is available at all WDW owned hotels and at Vero Beach and Hilton Head'' 'The Other Guest Bedroom discont program, designed for friends and family, offers a 40 or 35 per cent discount, subject to availability. As a reminder, this offer is limited to five reservations per cast member per calendar year' You can pick up an ID book which have all the discounts you are offered from quite a few places back stage.
does anyone know how easy it is to get discount bookings? and when they say 5 per year is that 5 bookings or 5 nights? cos my mum is going to gome visit for 10 days would that be one booking or 10?
It's farily easy when you get the hang of it. It can be a bit tricky to find the location to book the hotel rooms on the Portal (or HUB as I think it's called now). It will be 2 bookings I believe since I think one booking can only last up to 7 nights. So you'll have to book her for 7 days, and then 3 or any other combination, and while she may be staying in the same resort, she may have to switch rooms between bookings.
my program ends on 31st august and I dont fly home till 4th september is there any opportunity to get a discounted hotel for the few days after my program is over?
Yes there is, but unless you can convince someone to get you the discount, you'll need to check in before you hand in your Disney ID. You need to have a valid cast ID at the time of check in (and you need to show it at the resorts front desk within 10 days before check in day) in order to get the discount.
thanks for that. much appreciated. i'll let her know cos she may just want to get a last minute deal with a home travel agent
I don't understand about the handing the id thing in..How come you had to hand yours in? I think i asked you this before, sorry, lol.. ??? But i don't know of anyone who had to hand there's in..There was never an opportunity for me to hand my id in and everyone i know has still got there's? I expected to have to hand it in..But knowbody ever asked me for it? I think you just have to go and show them your card before your last day i suppose..I didn't no of them taking them back tho? ???
I didn't get a chance to hand in my ID because I used it up until like a couple hours before my flight took off. I still have it. Some locations have asked for it on your last shift, but if that happens, just explain that you still need said ID to hand in costumes, pick up paystubs....I know someone who had his ID taken and it really sucked for him because he couldnt' go into the parks on that last day, so try and make sure you can hold onto it.