Hi guys, I am an ex-disney ICP, having completed programs in the summers of 07 and 08. I know that lots of you are probably planning on doing some travelling after your program ends, I recommend doing a Trek America tour. These tours are a great way of meeting a likeminded group of people and seeing the sights of the USA, Canada, Alaska and Mexico. There are over 50 camping and lodging tours to choose from, from 3 days to 9 weeks in length. I've done one of the tours and it was an amazing experience! From big city tours to the wonders of the north american national parks, I'm sure you will find something to suit you! I am working as a brand ambassador for Trek America and can offer you 5% off any tour. Just send me a message and I will send you a unique code to use when you book. Check out www.trekamerica.co.uk for info about the amazing tours they offer. Cheers!
Wow-talk about desperate spamming of the site in a blatant attempt to increase your commission-4 seperate posts is 4 posts to many.
What appears to be the problem? The reason for these forums is to help people out/offer advice about their disney programs and travelling in the usa. Different people look at different discussion topics so there is no problem with writing it more than once. Obviously you don't want any help then?
I agree. I certainly don't think your post is spam. In fact, it is quite helpful! ve it!3d 50kPlus Jobs AcaiBerries Accounting Achieve Your Goals Acne ActivitiesFor Seniors AddictionRecovery AddingA Fish Pond To Your Backyard AdoptingA Dog Adoption AdrenalFatigue Adsense Advertising Aerobics AffiliateMarketing AfterSchool Activities Agriculture AirlineTickets AkashicRecords Allergies Anti-RecessionTactics ArcadeGames Architecture ArtAuctions ArtCollecting ArticleMarketing AspenNightlife Asthma Astrology AttorneyServices AutoInsurance Savings Autoresponders Aviation Baby BackyardActivities Bankruptcy Basketball BedWetting BehaviorProblems BestAirfare Deals Biking BipolarDisorder Birthdays Blogging BoatInsurance Boating BookKeeping BookMarketing BrainTraining Bread Making BreastAugmentation Bronchitis Build AShed BusinessConsulting BusinessOutsourcing Businessto Business BuyingAnd Selling Websites BuyingPaintings CaliforniaHotels CallCenters CampingCars CanineAdult Stem Cells CarDonation CarRental CarRepairs CarStereo CardioExercise Equipment CaringFor Native Wildlife CaringFor The Elderly Cats CeliacDisease CellPhones CheeseCake ChildCare ChildCustody Children'sPets ChineseRecipes ChocolateLovers Chocolate-RelatedRecipes Cigars CncWoodworking Coffee CoinCollecting Colocation ContactLenses ContactingCelebrities ContentManagement Cooking CopywritingServices CoveredBridges CreditCards CreditRepair CreditScores CrimeScene Investigation CriminalDefense Lawyer CRM Cruises CustomerService Dancing DangersOf Chlorine Dating Deafand Deafness Problem Decorating and Interior Design DeepSea Diving DeepSea Fishing DepressionAnd Anxiety Detailing Diabetes DiamondJewelry DieselFuel Prices Dieting DigitalPhotography DiscusFish Disney DomainNames Marketing DownSyndrome Drywall DualDiagnosis Ebay EbooksFor Children E-commerceShopping Carts Eczema EditorialServices Education EndOf The World Exerciseand Training FamilyReunions FamilyTree Feng Shui FinanceAnd Budget Fireworks FishPonds Fishing Fitness Forex FrenchBulldogs FuelPrices Gambling Gardening GenericDrugs GilbertsDisease GlobalWarming Glyconutrients Goat Care GoldenRetriever Golf Gourmet GreenEnergy Source HairLoss Handcrafters Happiness Headphones Healthand Beauty HealthInsurance Heartburn Hemorrhoids Highway1 Guide HistoryOf Chess Historyof Chocolate Hobbies Holidays HomeBuilding Decline HomeBusiness Model HomeOffice HomeRepairs HomeSecurity HomeTheater Homeopathy How To DJ IdentityTheft Immigration IndoorKids Games Investing Ipad Ivory JewelryWholesale JiuJitsu JobSearch JointVenture KeepingChickens KeepingDucks Kickboxing KidneyStones Landscaping LaptopComputer Parts LawOf Attraction LawnMowers LeadershipDevelopment Leads LearnBaseball LearnHindi LearnSpanish LearnStandup Comedy LegalForms LifeCoaching LiftChairs Lilies Livestock LivingWill LocalHome Repairman Lymphoma Marketing MarriageHelp Massage MedicalTourism MentalHealth MetalDetecting Microwaves MixedMartial Arts MobileComputing Mortgages Motivation Motorcycles Motorhomes MovieDownload Muay Thai MultipleSclerosis MusicalInstruments NaturalHealth Networking NewForms of Income New York NewportBeach NicheMarketing NursingCareers OfficeFurniture OfflineMarketing OnlineCollege Degrees OnlineConsulting OnlineGames Optinlist OptionsTrading OrganizationTips Outdoors P90x PainRelief PaintBall Parenting Pastlife Regression PCSecurity PetHealth Care Pilates PlasmaTvs PlasticSurgery PlayDrums Podcasting Porcelain PortraitPhotography PowerGenerator PowerOf Attorney PPC PreciousMetals PregnancyDress Preselling Presentation PressureWashers PrivateLabel Resell Rights Productivity Psychology PublicRelations