ok, i am rubbish at forms. in section B... what do i put in position applied for? would it be merchandise? and is organisation name disney or yummyjobs?? aaand what address do i put?? the disney address or yummy address?
these forms have really got me anoyed, and the price that yummy jobs is charging for them is actually over what it cost to get one. I have recently (21 days ago) got one and now i've been told i need to get another one just because it's old!!
Yeah I did. I'm guessing that's the reason they get us checked out- that there's so many children around all the time?!
nah,i never,i just put "cultural Rep." mine came back fine!!!! its just to check that you havent ever been arrested/charged with anything they dont request the check for working with kids etc at the bottom of it theres 4 boxes - police records,section 142,protection of children and protection of vunerable adults - they only one they request is the police records!!
this is the most basic of criminal record checks. Majority of jobs working with children or vulnerable adults would request the other sections but as none of us will be working with children it is not needed, we will just be around children so in the rules we dont need a full check. However in my opinion we should be fully checked but hey, theres loopholes in most things. I only know this because this is my 7th CRB check and i'm only 20!
So i got my pack yesterday and i need a little help... Section B for the address, Yummy said to put it as 'Lake Buena Vista, County Orange, Flroida, USA 32830'. Now which bits do we put down for which parts... do i put nothing for the 'Address' heading? So what i think is right is... Address - Town/City - Lake Buena Vista County - Orange Post Code - USA 32830 but then where does the Florida bit go?? Thanks!
They said to put that for your crim record check?! I put my home address on mine... Unless you're talking about the Visa application forms, as that's the address they said to put on that?
another question... section D... says put your previous addresses down for the past 5 years. iv got my main address on the first page, but do i put down by uni addresses in section D? Im pretty sure i didn't put down my uni address last time, but i cant remeber.
i never put my uni address on mine and it came back fine i have the enhanced crb done evey year with work and ive3 never bothered putting anything but my home address on it and its always been okay. ur uni address is a temp address whilst ur away and ur home address is ur perm one until u officially move out
I have the same question about the organisation address... I feel like such a muppet to be struggling with this form hehe. My other question was... Section D says to use continuation sheet if necessary - does that just mean i can type up my previous addresses on a sheet of paper and slip it inside the main form?
yeah,i just wrote it out by hand on a piece of paper and put it inside! no bother at all!! and for organisation address just put down WDW,Lake Beuna Vista,Orlando,Florida thats all i put down!!!