Er det noen andre norsker her som skal reise den 7. februar 2006 fra Oslo? Jeg fik beskjed av Noellie idag at jeg skulle få reise da. Skal jobbe i Food & Baverage. Håper jeg ikke må reise alene den dagen. Gi et lite hint om noen andre skal reise samme dato da så kanskje vi kan reise dit med samme fly?
I haven't heard anyone else talking about a feburary departure, but then there aren't many norweigens on the board (I don't think) There will probably be some coming from other countries though as the UK have interviews in october time usually and then leave just before the nest set of interviews in febuary I think? (I could be completely wrong!). Hope you enjoy being a foodie though, and don't worry if you end up travelling their yourself there will be lots of friendly people when you get there.
Alex's from Norway.. maybe he could help ya but im not too sure! haha sorry dude, can't help ya as i dont even read yer msg! ALEX... Help him out!!!!!!!!!!! ;D im sure he would read this!
Don't worry startcrazie, I don't read norweigen either! I do know a little bit of swedish though and there are some similar elements in the languages so I could pick out what he was saying
;D *thumbup* for Zanitta!! i have friends from sweden .. but we always talk in english! lol.. now i should take more adventages off ém.. they better teach me some swedish!!Â
yeah yeah... ok, nichol... I will help him out... veit ikke om non andre enn du som reiser den dagen ok, sorry, nichol, wasn't much help after all....