Hey !! I was wondering how can we decorate our part of the room... I mean, Can we have portraits, pics, posters or do we have some restrictions???
I think offensive stuff would be forbidden, like a nazi-flag... or a KKK poster... other than that you should be homefree to put up whatever your heart desires... ;D
you can put anything you want but you cant put anything on the ceiling or something that damages the walls besides that you can do almost everything, as u would do in your home. See ya
I have photos and a flag up...technically you're not allowed anything....especially not anything that will make holes in the wall, but everyone does have stuff up!! The only thing they're really strict about is not hanging anything from the fixtures on the ceiling...like the smoke detectors or the sprinklers! Just a hint...if you've not got much money to spend on decorating, use park maps and other things you can pick up from the parks!!! I did a KidCOT mask and that's proudly hanging up now!! Ellen x x x x
I'm gonna have a huuuge norwegian flag, as well as a poster of Poe and a print out of The Raven ;D ;D ;D and, of course, my Kramer poster.... ;D
i just have random things in my room, and my room mate has even more random things like giant snakes and hats hanging everywhere!
Technically you're not supposed to put flags etc on the walls but everyone does. When you arrive you have to sign a set of community codes and that restriction is listed on there so you cannot use ignorance as an excuse. They will conduct apartment checks but I don't know of anyone who was asked to remove stuff from their wall Rich
but does it say, just stuff on the wall is forbidden or does it say that to hang stuff/put holes in the wall is forbidden??? can we use doublesided tape and such ??
Definitely can't use tape. I think that they are happier with you putting pins in the wall. You can't hammer nails or anything like that in though
just have a look at the pictures and you will see what people did with their romms. Lol ;D enjoy. www.dmgk.com
i cant wait to buy cushions and stuff for my side of the room - lol i no its sad but i cant help it ;D
I think it probably uses the word "affix" to cover everything. It'll be in the papers in your package. They don't really care unless you hang it from the ceilings or emergency stuff...but it covers themselves in case they want to do anything. We had so much stuff on our walls and one day we got a note that they were coming to paint the walls the next day (got the note when we got home at 2am and they were coming that morning), so we threw a fit in the clubhouse the next morning and they never did come...our point was that we had loads of stuff to take down and no time to do it and they brought up this point. Use push pins. Shan