December 4th arrival group F&B and merch

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by xxlora_182xx, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member many of us are there
    maybe we should plan too meet up sometime
    under 8 months now!
    have u all got ur disney packs too??
  2. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    yup-december seems a bit faraway though t the moment :(
  3. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    yeaah i think us guys got the latest starting date
    mm.. and means 2 years out of uni for me
    oh well should be worth it
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    me! me! me!

    oooo this is my first post in the accepted bit...
    i am unbelivably happy.

    how long does it take 2 recieve the disney pack?

    ALSO wheres everyone flying from? I live in Northumberland so my nearest Airport is Newcastle, but im pretty sure they don't do direct flights to Orlando, so i think i'll fly from Heathrow.
  5. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Disney doesnt book any direct flights because it costs them too much-you will normally stop of in JFK, Boston or Atlanta
  6. keithy

    keithy New Member

    anthony ive just pm'd u mate
  7. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    u should fly with me
    im going to book my flights myself as i wanaa go without stopping
    i wanaa go virgin atlantic from gatwick...
    just finding prices an stuff at the moment
    but im not to sure when too think about boooking it
    i dont wana leave it as late as when we get are visa in like october
  8. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    Definitly. When shall we fly out? The 2nd? that seems like a good time!
  9. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    Lora-have u told disney ur gonna book ur own flights? I have emailed them but no reply yet......also want to go direct with virgin-the idea of a stopover it awful!
  10. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    yeah tell me about it
    as if the flights werent long enough
    naa il email them sooon about it tho
    i still wana goo out a few days earlierr
  11. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    Recived my welcome pack today :) finally believe that i'm actually going!
    Laura let me know when u want to book flights, so I can transfer some money into my bank!
  12. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    There has to be more than just 3 people starting on December 4th.

    In other news only 6 months 2 weeks and 3 days!!!
    Getting closer by the second...
  13. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Starting Dec 4th, Food and Beverage Canada

    Have not received my pack yet, don't know why it's taking so long!!! I will hopefully be driving out to Florida!!!
  14. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    wow i would love 2 drive across 2 florida. although i dont see that happening, not all the way from England... Although I guess I could start out like in early November. Hmmm.
    Perhaps on second thoughts i shall just fly.

    Theres some more December 4th pple from Canada isnt there?
  15. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    I'm Canadian, and I am December 4th as well (Canadian F&B)

    I'd LOVE to drive to florida, but it is not in the cards for me...but an equally good aspect is that I have found many flights for just under $100 CDN

    I do hope that 6 months goes by really really fast

    and no info pack for me yet (joel, when I called cast-a-way they said that it wouldn't be coming until september at the earliest) but I am still very excited for the whole endevour!!
  16. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Hate to be a bit of the bearer of bad news, but if you're going in Early December I wouldn't expect your pack until Mid-late October at the earliest.

    In Canada it seems about 6 weeks before you leave is about the time to start expecting it.
  17. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    less than 200 days now
    roll on 199 days!
  18. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Yeah, that's what Eric had mentionned earlier about the packs, just wasn't sure since other people have already received theirs but i guess they have more to do with the Visas and what not compared to us in Canada
  19. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    True enough...I just wish we didn't have to wait so long :-[
  20. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    6 MONTHS!!! only half a year left now!!!!!

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