Dates everyone wants to go

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Stepharoo, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. Stepharoo

    Stepharoo Guest

    Hey, I don't know if someone has done this already, but just thought I'd post asking what dates everyone wants to go in the summer?

    Mine are (hopefully!) June 21st - August 28th.

    What about you? xx
  2. vik

    vik New Member

    yeah same here, i think it may be a very popular date to go!
  3. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    Same, only choice really with exams in June.
  4. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Yep 21st for me. I could go earlier but i want to wait until i get my results just incase i need to resit anything
  5. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    Its likely the last date will be very popular. There's a strong chance they'll send an email asking whether you can do any earlier dates, offering a higher chance of acceptance due to this. Its something to consider - do you say you're availiable/rearange things, or hope for the best, its a tough decision. Us internationals from the UK tend to be really great Cast Members who work hard with no choice of shifts or holidays, no benefits and the lowest wages with no national holiday pay, so they really want us to come. The housing over the summer, however, is really full, so they can't let us all go on that last date, they have to spread us around.
  6. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I would be able to go on the earlier date on the 26th May if all my exams are at the beginning of May, i would love to do that cause i would be able to get bck for the resits if i have to resit any exams.
  7. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    21st for me...maybe able to do 2nd...i think thats one of them.

    will have to see when results are, take a shifty look at the timetable.
  8. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Oooh the 21st June is my birthday!
    Haha sorry! :=]
  9. opherrichards

    opherrichards New Member

    I told them the 2nd, altough Uni says it will finish on the 29th. Definately not much time to get ready!
  10. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    The 2nd.

    My Uni finishes up teaching at the end of April and the exams are during May but will be finished by the 30th.

    Resits, I've just learned, are on the 24th - 26th June. Which doesnt help much - but (thinking positively) I have only ever had to resit one exam - way back in first year - so things should be fine. I'll just have to put in some extra work and make sure I pass first time round.
  11. Mr. Mortell

    Mr. Mortell New Member

    My Uni technically finishes on the 5th June, but I will be hopefully going to Disney on the 2nd!
  12. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    my uni technically finishes on the 26th june
    so I want to go on the last date
    tho i could probs swing it to go earlier as i only have dissertation in the summer term, i'm sure if i promised to do the work they wouldn't mind too much...

    (tho have to be accepted first lol!)
  13. meitong_g

    meitong_g New Member

    I picked up 21st, too. I'd like to chose an earlier one, but my next semester will finish on the 12th of June.
  14. anijac1412

    anijac1412 New Member

    wow Uni in the UK finishes late! We finish (exams included) at the end of April here! :p
    Which is why I think a lot of Canadians are pretty much expecting to be asked to start in May.
    I think the end of June would be my preference though. Gives me lots of time to prepare and earn a bit of extra ,oney at work before I leave.
  15. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    My University officially ends on the 6th June...I will probably end earlier because it depends when my Law exam is, however because its my last year, I have to move completely back home rather than just move house up here. Plus i need to sort out work experience and actual paid work before i go. aaaah so much planning to doooo :)

    Hope all have forms and all are well :) im currently coming down wiht flu! Sorry Birmingham peeps :)
  16. Freckles

    Freckles Guest

    Uk unis start late...nearly october usually.

    got the forms, about ot go see my hea of department who also happens to be my tutor..its quite handy! wish me luck that dr deb is in a good mood!!
  17. vik

    vik New Member

    aarrgh my dept secretary wouldn't sign my form! that is SO annoying! she said she didnt see the relevance of writing the summer dates...? i will probably have to ask like every member of staff before i can get anyone to sign it!
  18. Stepharoo

    Stepharoo Guest

    I was wondering can you get the same people (hopefully the registry) to sign both of the university forms?

    Btw my uni finishes officially on 19th June, but I could probably get away on the 2nd if the last one gets really filled up.
  19. vik

    vik New Member

    yes you can get the same person to sign both and if you want you can just make it into one letter so they only have to sign one thing and you only fill out the top of the student status form. thats what im doing, seeing as my university seem to have some kind of vendetta against disney!
  20. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    My uni finishes at the end of April with the exams in May. i could get away the 26th if my exams are early in May, but i was originally going for 21st June cause i was going to wait for my results cos if i fail anything then i will need to stay to resit even thought resits are not until august!

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