Date of the 2008 Summer Program.... (please help!)

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney_mad_2008, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. Hi y'all!

    I've just had an email from yummy (i'm from the UK).... and they said they are "looking for individuals to arrive in the USA on the following approx dates: June 3rd 2008 – Aug 15th 2008 and Jun 22nd 2008 – Aug 29th 2008".

    Does that mean they would want you to go anytime between those dates? or for the period from june - aug?

    I thought the summer program was about 3 months and each of those is only 2?

    Please help! Thanks!

  2. simmyd23

    simmyd23 New Member

    pretty sure it means that if you arrive on june 3rd you stay until august 15th and if you arrive june 22nd and you leave august 29th.
    Last year the program was 3 months, but i noticed at the presentation at our interviews that it was only 2 months this year.
    Not really sure why its shorter. I think they said there would be 3 batches of 2 months instead of 2 batches of 3 months.
  3. Yeh it means that there are two sets of dates left. They are around 10 weeks this time and they never explained why they were shorter this year than first thought.
  4. simmyd23

    simmyd23 New Member

    is it not so they can take more people over? 3 batches instead of 2?
    And because they overlap there will be like 3 batches of people at their peak summer time.
    It seemed like they were short of cast members last summer.
    Tomorrowland definitely was.
  5. thanks very much guys!

    thats makes sence!

  6. yeh that makes sense.
  7. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    in 2006 they had 4 lots of 3 month ICPs!
  8. so, do you think they are having less people or are they having more people in each group?
  9. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    I think (don't officially know!) that they are taking less people because there are more international programs. So they have more programs, same amount of jobs, so less people can go on each program?

    i dunno tho!
  10. oh.... i don't really understand. do you mean there is more countries taking part? any road, thanks!

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