Dance Classes

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by Mara Mouse, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    Probably a long shot, but does anyone know if there are any dance classes offered close to the commons ... anything bu country line dancing will do. Hip hop, ballet, jazz, ballroom ... whatever!

    Thanks a bunch if anyone can actually answer this.
  2. flavour

    flavour New Member

    i think we had that question some time ago already, and if i remember right the answer was no...i don't remember anything close to the commons either...i guess if you have a car though it shouldn't be a problem, i'm sure there lots of studios in orlando...maybe check the yellow pages online, or just try and google that...good luck!
  3. Ona

    Ona Member

    Have a look on the portal. You never know, there might be some sort of cast dancing thingy. :D

    Flavour, you're right, transport to any non-disney class would be difficult. Not to mention trying to get the time off to attend regularly. ;)

    Ona x
  4. flavour

    flavour New Member

    right ona, the getting time off problem! i remember the difficulties the people had who took classes in the was just once a week and the managers made such a big deal out of it (that was at a time when the managers actually still took care of that!)...
  5. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    hey mara mouse ... im a dancer as well and really want to keep up my dancing when im out there ... if i cant find one i will just have to do my own dance class ... heehee

    kerri xx ;D xx
  6. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    Hey Mara and Kerri... here is another dancer to add to the group! I would love to find some rec classes. But if not, we could just run our own at the commons haha... :D

    What are your dance backgrounds?

    Steph xo
  7. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    Backgroud? Yikes! Not as extensive as I would like. I used to take jazz when I was younger, but the program was cut in my town and my parents wouldn't drive me into the city for classes  :(

    I just started taking Hip Hop classes last year at my University and I've loved it. Now I'm looking for a new studio for the summer months ... I'm thinking Latin Ballroom!
  8. Stephanie

    Stephanie New Member

    That's awesome Mara! My "background" is mostly ballet and jazz, but i've been teaching Hip Hop for the past 3 years and love it! It would be really cool to find ballroom and latin classes as well... I just want to keep dancing :D I'm sure we'll find something.
  9. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    hey , studying dance at college at the moment doing contemporary as a main study but also ballet as its the basics of contemporary, im in my second year , also done some choreography and things as well as disco and teaching ... dance is my life!! taking a year out for disney now though as its the chance of a life time and have wanted to do it since i was wee!
    i really hope to find something too as im deffinatly going back to dance when i come home and done want to loose my technique!! im really hoping to find a ballet class out there but would settle for anything really!! im glad there is other people that feel the same way though!!

    kerri xxx
  10. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    Yay, can't wait to meet you girls ... I'm sure we'll have a blast dancing up a storm.

    *whimper* If only I had a start date ... I'm still waiting for Nicola to call me.
  11. Nitsa

    Nitsa New Member

    ooh.. I'd love to be able to take dance classes down there. I danced for about 15 years, taking classes in pretty much everything that I could, but mainly focused on ballet, tap, jazz, pointe, and hip hop. Glad to hear you all want to do that as well. And Mara Mouse, I'm sure your call will come soon.. you seem so awesome.
  12. Lindz926

    Lindz926 New Member

    Hey guys, i just found a dance studio near's called Atlantic Dance. Not sure what type of classes they offer, but hey, it's a start!!!
  13. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    Oh awsome Lindsay! We'll have to check it out for sure :D
  14. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    ooo thats well cool ... i hope they have them on different days of the week because of working and stuff will be hard to fit in
  15. Ona

    Ona Member

    Is that the Atlantic Dance on the Boardwalk? :-\

    It's a club (usually dead whenever I was anywhere near it :-\) next to Jellyrolls (Yay Jellyrolls! ;D). I didn't know they offered classes there during the day. You can easily walk there from Epcot. 5 mins tops. ;D If that's where it is, there'll more than likely be a CM discount. ;)

    Ona x
  16. kerrbear

    kerrbear New Member

    actually i do remember megan mentioning that in my interview about a club offering classes but she wasnt sure ... heehee one of the questions i asked in my interview was about near by dance classes... soo sad!
  17. Lindz926

    Lindz926 New Member

    I think it's the same place. Also, I know it's a long shot, but are there any gymnasts (or interested people) that want to go to open gyms at a gymnastics club??? I found a place that offers drop-ins on friday nights, I would love to go to keep it up, but would love even more someone to go with!!!
  18. JaneLB

    JaneLB New Member

    It's great to find out there's so many dancers headed down! I've been taking classes for 20 years (yes that would make me 2 when I started, little pre-ballet :D). My main disciplines are jazz and tap but I have done a few years of ballet, modern, ballroom and latin. If anyone finds anything, please let me know, and I'll do the same for you guys. I have a feeling that I'll be making do with my instructional DVD's to keep in shape until I get back. If anyone wants to share, let me know, maybe we can make our own class out of it ;D.
  19. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    Ooo .. Lindsay I would definately go with you ... keeping in mind I'm not super talented ... but I love learning new stuff!
  20. Lindz926

    Lindz926 New Member

    Sweet Mara!!! I can't wait! And don't worry if you're not "super talented", maybe you just haven't had the right coach! I can help you out (I am a coach afterall)

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