Hi again! I've always been taught that one should try to keep one's CV/Resumé on one A4 page. But the problem is, I've so much I want Disney to know I have going for me (I really want to be accepted) that I can't seem to fit it all exactly on one page. I could definately get all I want plus more on two A4 pages, but if it'd count against me, I'll just have to cut out stuff (which I'd rather not do!). Can anyone tell me how Disney feels on the subject? Are 2 page resumés/CVs ok? Would they rather one page? Would they rather two pages? Help! KC
Hi ya KC My CV was on 2 A4 pages, it was quite long! So im sure that will be fine. Although I havent heard back from them yet so might be best to get a second opinion from someone who made it to the interviews. Good luck Nat xx
ooh! I know the answer to this one... I also always thought one page was the rule, but this summer I took a ton of resume/cv/interview courses and seminars and that is no longer the case. Employers no longer care if it is 1 page, but that you get all the infomation in. My CV is 3 pages, so I wouldn't worry about length, just content
Brilliant! Exactly the answer I wanted! ;D Thanks folks! :-* I'm finished my CV and Cover Letter now and am just waiting on a response from whether Yummyjobs will accept my application before I send off the application. If it goes to the International Casting Center, I'm gonna get a haircut on Friday, get some passport photos taken and include them in my letter *nods*. I'm maaaaajorly excited! The prospect of the possibility of becoming a CM is finally becoming real!!! Yay! KC