
Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by RSH01, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. RSH01

    RSH01 New Member

    Hi there fellow custodians! Hows things - just thought I'd make us a wee thread in this Accepted/Current Participants bit.

    Iv'e heard about these Pixie Dustodians - I would love to that when we get out there! It would be awesome!

    Does anyone know - ??? do the custodial folks get a wee thing with the disney pins on it - to trade with guests? This too would be cracker!

    Rob :)
  2. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Oh yes, practically everyone (even managers) who are in contact with guests can wear a lanyard with pins! I never saw the fun in it until I started trading as a cast member!
  3. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    Is it true that if someone wants ur badge u haveto trade? id be gutted u'd end up with all minging badges haha x
  4. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    what is this Pixie Dustodians of which you speak??? It sounds exciting. Oh i would love a pin trading thing it would be awesome.
  5. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Yes as a cast member you have to trade however there are pin trading stations backstage just for CMs where you can exchange all your rubbish badges for new ones (and if you're an avid pin collector then there are ways round acquiring some good ones lol!) but you have to hand your lanyard back in at the end of your program :)
  6. Disney4ever!

    Disney4ever! New Member

    Lol, woo custodials! Lord if I get surrounded by little American kids wanting my pins I'll whack em with my broom lol XD
  7. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    so do you have to hand in your lanyard with all your pin on it? WHat stops people from taking off the ones they want...?
  8. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    Lol well i thought you always had to have 12 pins on ya lanyard
  9. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    You always have to have 12 pins on your lanyard... so say *hypothetically!* that you were an avid pin collector and some little kid gave you a pin you really wanted but it's on your cast member lanyard.. then its just a case of buying another pin to replace it so you still have 12... it's easy and you'll get used to it!!
  10. jameshamuk

    jameshamuk New Member

    i seriously dont understand all this pin trading thing its new to me

    so when we get out there do we buy 12 pins for our lanyard and then trade with guests an employees if they ask?
  11. scarlettheart

    scarlettheart New Member

    thats something else I'll to save up money for lol! xx
  12. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    nooooo.... when you become a cast member i.e. on your first day of actual work you get given a blue cast member lanyard complete with 12 pins :)

    Then, you work... and you get people coming up to you asking you to trade. So say they had a rubbish tinkerbell pin (for arguments sake) and you had a cool Mickey pin which they wanted. As a cast member you HAVE to trade even though you might know that the tinkerbell pin isn't very rare/boring/cheap/a multiple of one you already have on the lanyard...

    So, you trade. Then on your break or whenever, you go backstage to the cast member trading post where you give them all your rubbish pins or multiples and they literally pick replacement ones out of a hat... so if you choose to trade in 5 pins, they give you 5 new ones which might be good or might be bad... it doesn't really matter.

    Then you go back out to work and continue trading! Then, at the end of your program, you have to hand your lanyard into your manager with 12 pins on it as they gave it to you with 12 pins on it... like a loan really.

    Hope this makes it a bit clearer! But they will explain it when you're there. I had never pin traded before I did the ICP in 2008 despite being to disney 3 times before that!! ;D
  13. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    Could you not buy crappy ones yourself and trade them with the good ones that you have. So you would still have the 12 but you get to keep all the good ones you traded with yourself. ;D
  14. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I think that was in there somewhere but I'm not good at explaining. Of course you're not supposed to do that so I don't endorse it!
  15. Disney4ever!

    Disney4ever! New Member

    Hey ppl, i was wondering, how many hours on average do custodians do, is there much overtime available? my bank account looks horrid at the mo, need as much money as possible lol :S

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