Curious About Housing

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Timitu, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    What houseing places do you stay at for what job positions? I hear so much about the commons I really want to move there but what about the other three. I have heard Vista a lot too but how do you get to live at one of the others. I am not trying to think about switching when I get there cause I have fallen in love with the commons just in pictures and such, but I don't want to get my hopes set on one place and then find out the whole thing is random and that I will be somewhere else. Just curious though. Never really thought about it till a friend asked me when I was showing them the housing areas. :)
  2. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    As far as I know it's just random who goes to live at the Treehouses - but I think they're only for people working at MK.
    I'm also a bit unsure about who goes to Chatham. I think I will probably be put in Chatham as I'm doing a 10 week international summer programme.
  3. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I think with regards to Chatham and Vista, it's wherever the space is. I lived at Vista, but some people on the same program as me lived in Chatham. The Treehouses are only for internationals working at MK (because that's the only place the bus goes to! with regards to parks).
  4. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    From January 2008 the treehouses will be changing back into a Disney resort, so by the end of the year participants wll have moved out.

    The commons is mostly only for people on the year long CRP.
  5. mark

    mark Guest

    the treehouses are going to need a lot of work done to them before they are going to be ready for guests!
  6. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Ok. I think I am figuring it out now. :)

    Ya I heard the treehouses were not that great. Wonder what it is going to be like if they become a resort.
  7. Loz

    Loz New Member

    Hopefully better than "not that great". Well I for one am glad that we can't stay in treehouses, they sound isolated (and looked a little sad in the pics)
  8. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    I reckon the Treehouses sound kinda cool - like an adventure haha?!
  9. thisisme46

    thisisme46 New Member

    i really liked the sound of the tree houses i just stayed out at port orleans and you go past them on the boat that takes u to downtown n was sayin how i wanted to stay there n then found out it was for international student housing, they look wicked they all have a lil mickey head on the front door with you number!!!
  10. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Oh cool. Ya I was the same way. I never seen them in RL and hardly in any pictures. I always thought it sounded neat. But apparently people did not like them. Never found or entirely why. Maybe if they are becoming a resort I will have to stay there sometime and find out. :)
  11. Jay1988

    Jay1988 New Member

    I think with housing it all depends who your living with, all the complexes are cool, didn't know anyone who lived in the commons, i lived in Vista, and i think its the best!!
  12. Nickie Mouse

    Nickie Mouse New Member

    there is new housing opening up next year called something like north bridge an its about $130 per week! wen we first arrived an got the rent cost , it was already listed on it
  13. Elliot_Stone

    Elliot_Stone New Member

    As long as I got on with my roomate(s) I wouldn't mind where I stayed, though I would perfer the Commons or Vista.
  14. Loz

    Loz New Member

    I agree. Home is where the people you don't want to kill live. :D
  15. Elodie

    Elodie New Member

    Hi there!

    I was wondering ... I received my Disney package, and in there you find out the cost of the different rents .. Thing is, you can't chose where you live, can you? So what if, I don't want to live in the most expensive apartment hu? What if I prefer to be in a cheap good place just to save a bit of money? I mean, I rather prefer spending my money on traveling a bit accross Florida, than paying expensive rent.. ;D
    How can you deal we that? Is there any thing to do? ???
  16. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    You know Elodie, that question has been in the back of my mind as well. I think there should be some choice. I am not to into saving a lot of money cause I am paid up so I am cool with living in the commons. (Or would love to live in this new place but it will probably just replace the treehouses.) But my friend who is applying needs to save money and such so it would be nice if she could live in the cheaper housing. (We'd see each other at work or events anyways.)
  17. DigitalPhear

    DigitalPhear New Member

    I wish they had like a really expensive place to live in that was an option for us if we so wanted it. Nice little wetbar, private patio, hot tub, stainless steel appliances, mini dancefloor, rotating bed...etc etc

    Id be on that instantly :D
  18. Loz

    Loz New Member

    why stop there?
    Discoball, trained monkeys...
  19. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    I don't sleep anywhere without a 70" high-def plasma... in each room. And a toilet that wipes you.
  20. Loz

    Loz New Member

    ...while playing your favourite song.

    Seriously though, the choice thing is a good idea in one way, because people can live within their buget. At the same time, maybe disney is trying to avoid having a "rich kid" house and a slum. ?

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