CRP Results

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by DisneyGibbs, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Well today I got an email... I shall not be seeing y'all in Disney anytime soon :(
  2. BriarRose

    BriarRose New Member

    Same :'( I am completely crushed.
  3. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Oh no! How could that happen? I thought you would be an excellent candidate Louisa! Did they say why?
  4. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Just that there was lots of competition, and that I'm on the waitlist. Which is something I guess.
  5. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    I'm glad to hear that you're on the wait list at least ;)
  6. Rachel2310

    Rachel2310 New Member

    oh no! did they just email!? i am not hoping for much now!
  7. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Yes it's some consolation lol, but not as good as getting the job.

    Oh well, bring on the summer!

    Maybe 3rd time will be the charm
  8. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    But everyone on the wait list get the job, right?
  9. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I'm not getting my hopes up for anything! That's what they say, but who knows.
  10. Elle

    Elle New Member

    Are you sure that's right though as no one has found out they're in yet... maybe it was an automated e-mail?
    They mailed me saying my application hadn't been accepted and then 2 months later I get a telephone interview?
  11. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I don't know.... it had my name on the top! Maybe they're doing all the no's first.
  12. Mom-eh

    Mom-eh Member

    :eek: Aww Louisa....immediately sending pixie dust your way.....I know you're disappointed right now but something good will happen, I know it. After all even though Jorden is still working at WDW we have already been planning our trip to come and visit you and Paul once you get working back there, so they HAVE TO have a spot for you!! Keeping my fingers crossed for good news heading your way in the future..... and good luck to everyone else on the waiting list with you too.
  13. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Thanks! :D I'm just going to treat it as a learning experience and focus on finishing my degree now! But I WILL get back out there, one way or another.
  14. Cinders13

    Cinders13 New Member

    Louisa! I can't believe it. Well it's definitely because you couldn't start until december, there is no way that it's a reflection on you! You're Disney mad! haha. If nothing comes up on the waitlist, you WILL get it next time you apply because it'l be for a more suitable start date. On the subject of the waitlist, when I got waitlisted after our September interview I did then get offered a position which I'm sure I've mentioned before, but just a little reminder so you can see it's not so bad being waitlisted.

    Also sorry Briar Rose and to anyone else that got that email (I'm sure I'll get it tomorrow!) But remember...

    THERE IS HOPE ON THE WAITLIST!! keep smiling,

  15. Elle

    Elle New Member

    I don't think I can take much more of this! I actually feel worse now people are finding out than I did before.
  16. Cinders13

    Cinders13 New Member

    I know what u mean Elle I'm the same! I really just wanna know now. I think we'l know by this time tomorrow! Good Luck!

  17. Elle

    Elle New Member

    I have to leave my internet now as well which makes it worse. If I get an e-mail now I won't know til tomorrow! Aargh!
  18. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    Oh Lousia!

    I'm so sorry to hear. I've got my fingers crossed that the waitlist will work out for you. I know it sucks being on it but it's worth it.

    Big hugs.
  19. *Charly*

    *Charly* New Member

    just got my mail as well and the dream ends here for me 2 :(
  20. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    I can't believe it! :eek: All these amazing people who are obviously the BEST candidates for the job have been turned down!!!!


    Who the hell are they hiring then, if not Louisa/Briar Rose etc etc?! Morons?!

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