crisis... early expired passport

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Kim, May 23, 2007.

  1. Kim

    Kim New Member

    If your passport is not good for six months after will you get in??? :-\
  2. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    What do you mean??? When does urs expire?
  3. Kim

    Kim New Member

    October 2007 :-\
  4. _Jessy_

    _Jessy_ New Member

    Hi Kim -
    as much as I know you passport MUST be valid for at least six months following your program end date. I guess for the case that you get sick or want to extend ... Don't you have enough time to get a new one? When do you leave?
    jessy ;)
  5. Kim

    Kim New Member

    I don't have enough time to get a new.. yeah i just found that out.. that it must be valid for 6 months after... i leave sunday... :-\ i just want to get into the states.. once i'm there i can figure it out..
  6. Disneybound2009

    Disneybound2009 New Member

    how long are you suppose to be at Disney for?
  7. _Jessy_

    _Jessy_ New Member

    well, if you already leave sunday, you must have your visa! I guess that is fine then! :D what are you worried about? they must have checked it then ???
  8. Kim

    Kim New Member

    I'm on the icp program.. just till aug 24th we don't have visas.. I'm a canadian.. we just get a ds 2019 and an I-94 form at the airport/ customs... we don't technically have a visa... i was just wondering will they let me in.. cause my passport expires in october... i don't see it being that big a deal.. it better not be... :p
  9. Kim

    Kim New Member

    I couldn't apply for a new passport because I travelled to the states / cruise 2 weeks ago so I needed that passport then... soo hopefully it'll work out..
  10. _Jessy_

    _Jessy_ New Member

    oh, I see - well, here in germany you can keep your passport while the new one is being processed. but do not worry, I do not think you will get in trouble. especially where you are from canada - I do not think they will make a big fuss about it. do you not have somebody you can call and ask? agency or sth?
  11. Kim

    Kim New Member

    yeah i don't think it'll be a big fuss .. i'm hoping neways.. i know your passport has to be valid when u come back to canada and it will be soo i hope it'll work out.. yeah i can call sumone i'm sure.. just didn't want to get any bad news you know.. but i will definitely call sumone with the canadian passport office and ask... thanks for your help and advice :)
  12. _Jessy_

    _Jessy_ New Member

    sure - no problem! ;D I know how it is to feel totally helpless and totally confused! But call someone - like that you will not have to worry until you are at the airport! ;)
  13. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    in the uk u can pay for special deolivery/premium service on ya pasport - u can travel to the office and get it done with same day/next day return of it but its expensive.

    ai know it says we haveto have 6 months on our passports after our return date.

    with the new passports tho u no longer lose the unusued days - before ur passport would be valid from the time u received it for 10 years now its 10 yeards plus whatever amount of time was unused on ur last one which is handy
  14. Andrea

    Andrea New Member

    My passport expires under the 6 month limit thing (though mine is in January 08, which is 5 months). I asked Castaway about this and they said it would be no problem, so I think you should be fine.

    If you're really in doubt, you can always call / email Castaway and see what they have to say.
  15. Kim

    Kim New Member

    thankssss sooo much... all i needed was that glimpse of ;D thats enough for me not to have sleepless nights till i go.. haha..
  16. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    You could always post it off and get a new one when you get to disney i suppose couldn't you?
  17. linsey

    linsey New Member

    yeah, it's worrying, I had to get my new passport in the UK because it would only have 4 months left on it lasting to october 2008 and i needed longer. they take our passports from us and clip them so you can't use them anymore. plus with the new passport style anyway, everything is more strict.

    i know that anyone from the UK on anything, program or a holiday, if they don't have it with 6 months extension then they won't get in to the country. i thought it was for all countries but that might not be true! maybe they're kind to their neighbours ;)
  18. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, like we are to scotland ;) haha..
  19. Andrea

    Andrea New Member

    The regulations between Canada and the US are different between the US and everywhere else. The visa they've given us isn't an actual visa, and we don't get a passport stamp either. No embassy visit either :D
  20. Linz

    Linz New Member

    FYI passport regulations for Canadians going to the U.S. by sea or Air: it only has to be valid for the duration of your stay in the U.S. there is no requirement for it to be valid for 6 months, 3 months or even 1 day beyond your return date. Also a passport is not require at land border crossings until next January (2008). Hope you find that useful.

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