christmas at disney?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by PrincessJilly, Jul 4, 2006.

  1. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    when does it start? like wen do the decorations go up, and other christmassy stuff?
  2. Dannii

    Dannii New Member

    hey jilly,

    i remember that they started to decorate the parks beginning of november and we haven't been in christmas mood at all... every pavillion is decorated in a different way and within the pavillions the shops as well... i don't remember when they did put up the christmas tree in epcot... with the decorations we also had new merchandise, christmas related items, in the pavillion which was cool.. gingerbread, christmas calender, glühwein...

  3. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    and wot about the hours ppl have to work at xmas... theres a possibility il be coming over on my own and so dont want all my friends to be working 7 days the time im there and i know ppl are expected to do loads of overtime at peak times

    altho, according to this website below, its only the actual christmas week thats extremely busy, the weeks leading up to xmas arent so busy. just tryin to decide wen is best to visit!
  4. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    also... are cms still allowed to sign ppl in for free at peak times like xmas??
  5. Dannii

    Dannii New Member

    we didnt get so much time off because the parks are pretty busy. so it is up to the manager and to the scheduler if they give them some more time... so don't be too disappointed if they don't get time off... it's easier to get time off in january/february and disney tries to cut down hours

    dec. block out dates...
    MK = dec. 25 thru 31
    Epcot = dec 31
    mgm = dec 27 thru 31
    ak = dec 26 thru 31

    and there are also block out dates for the 40% merchandise sale (don't have the dates here right now).. but they will get it until jan 31!!!

    i dont remember when they did take off the christmas decoration but to be honest it is nothing really special anyway
  6. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    aw thats wicked, thanks hun :)
  7. glasgow paws

    glasgow paws New Member

    If it wasnt for the decorations, you wouldn't realise it was christmas. Very , very bizarre. I worked christmas day, park was empty, and me and a couple of the lads got an E.R.
  8. flavour

    flavour New Member

    true! with the weather the right x-mas atmosphere just isn't there! and a x-mas tree in between palm trees is really something you gotta get used to!
    also with attendance....we thought it'd be really busy...but it wasn't! not until new year's anyway! haha! that was just crazy!
  9. glasgow paws

    glasgow paws New Member

    New year is an eye opener for the sheer amount of people in the park....... frightening. !! started at 8am at got back to commons a t4.30 am !! :eek:

    Now, thats a long shift
  10. flavour

    flavour New Member

    wow! well, i had a pm shift, which at least meant i was in the park at midnight...the people who had am shifts were pretty pissed off since they weren't allowed to come back into the park but almost everyone was working, so that was where all your friends were! and i was doing crowd control for the midnight fireworks which in my case meant sitting on the grass around the lake (actually to take care of people not crossing the little fence), so we had the best few! it was awesome! and i remember the managers being mad at everyone cause every country celebrated outside in front of the pavillions when it was midnight in their home countries and noone was inside the shops or restaurants anymore! haha!
    so even though new year's is crazy (especially all the guests sitting on the floor in the shops at one point cause they're too tired to walk around anymore!) it's also so much fun! and the party at the commons afterwards was one of the best ever!
  11. Mexican Princess

    Mexican Princess New Member

    i love xmas in disney !!!!
    its OMG
    its unique !!!!

    a little bit rainy and cold, but i loved it !!!!
    and new yearscrazy !!!!

  12. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    I was kinda lucky. I worked PM Xmas eve and that was cool, though at about 8 o'clock we had a few teary eyed people in the place because they realised it would be Christmas day back home. It was nice though being around everyone.
    We then had a massive sleep over at one of our arrival groups apartments and got up the next morning to open our secrete santa stockings. It was fab.

    Christmas day I got off and spent the whole day cooking for a huge Xmas meal for our arrival group. Me and Matt cooked up a lovely feast and it was fantastic (even if I do say so myself). Weird not being in work though cause so many people were working.

    It was odd that the decs and stuff went up so early over in the states though (like mid-end november) because by the time xmas came you were just wishing it would be over! Disney at Christmas it fab but after just over a month of it you just want it all to end asap so that you can get on with something else. Then in Jan it hits you that it was such a nice time in the parks and you miss it. Everyone is so much happier on the lead up to Christmas (not on the actual day or the eve but on the bit just before they are all smiley and nice)
  13. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth New Member

    aw, i just want it to be christmas now and be in disney! i can't wait to go now! :D 36 days and at christmas, wow! gona be great!!!!
  14. Paola C.

    Paola C. New Member

    I have always wanted to be at WDW at christmas.... but know that I`m going to work there I have heard that you have a lot of work, and you end the day very tired...
  15. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth New Member

    I don't care if i'm tired because of all the work, it's disney! :D not as boring or unfulfilling as my work right now - plus u get overtime and perks at disney - my job, zilch, nothin at all - that's why most pple are leavin now! the only perks are £20 christmas bonus and 20p off sandwiches! :O i'm serious! lol it's terrible, so disney in comparison is heaven for me! :D God i hate my job! and ur always freezing in my work 2, and my friend got locked in the freezer once! i've had to clean our cooler many times, sooooooo cold! :(

    Roll on disney! woop! and christmas!

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