Cheap car insurance companies?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Jboucha, May 7, 2007.

  1. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Does anyone have suggestions for best companies to deal with for Car insurance in regards to price and what you get for the price?

    I am debating if i want to drive my veh to Disney or fly. It sounds like a pain if you don't have a vehicle the problems i'm facing right now is extravagant prices on insurance, i can't beleive how insane it is compared to here in Manitoba. I guess that's because we have public Insurance. I have been searching and found that it may cost me somewhere around 1000$ for 6 months of insurance and that's fairly basic coverage. I have a newer vehicle therefore i really can't afford not to get comprehensive coverage and i would imagine that we would need to get decent Third party driver, property owner coverage as well since people out there are aloud sewing each other for just about anything and everything. Any suggestions or opinions??
  2. Linz

    Linz New Member

    I know exactly what you mean. I was determined to drive my car down from toronto. But it seems so much more expensive to keep your car insured in Florida(keeping in mind we only make $7/hr) that i changed my mind and i bought my flight yesterday. If your over 25 renting a car when you need one is cheap. Now for me if i decide that i can"t live without my car i can easily arrange to have it brought down from Toronto. It will be alot easier to shop for a better rate once we're down there.
  3. Jboucha

    Jboucha New Member

    Yeah, the other thing i'm starting to think about, is to possibly just get there and buy a cheaper car and not get any comprehensive coverage and risk the chance....i really don't know. The other problem for me is that i could not arrange for my vehicle to be driven down that's out for me unfortunately....i don't know, still have time yet i guess

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