
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by j0hnyoung, May 19, 2007.

  1. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I was just wondering if anyone had tried doing that Six wings eating challenge?

    I know it sounds really fat, haha..But i doubt a fat person could do it anyway..

    I really wana try it when i go to florida, but don't no whether ill be able to do it, haha..

    A guy that i know that was on the college program with me last year did it and i want to try it..

    I think its at somewhere like hooters isn't it? I think you just have to be have a massively fast metabolisim to do it i would of thought..The guy that did it wasn't stupidly skinny, but he was quite thin and you could tell he has a fast metabolisim..
  2. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    What is the six wings eating challenge?
    Sounds to me like a reason Americans have the highest obesity rate:)
  3. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I think they give you like 6 absolutely flaming hot wings, like mind blowingly hot..Not 100% tho..

    I've eaten the 1lb burger at bennigans and that was supposed to be a challenge...But it went down quite nicely..Was beautiful as well..
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    oh i think i shall try that then.
  5. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    By the way, your not allowed any water or any other food while trying to do it..

    And apparently they say, bring your own doctor! haha..

    If anyone knows about any other food challenges..Or even if you've tried and failed and didn't dare try..Post them up..

    We'll see if we can beat any records! ;D
  6. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

  7. gamecube1984

    gamecube1984 New Member

  8. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I don't think i'd be able to do that to be honest..Im not a big fan of chocolate..I no people who probably would tho...

    I reacon i could do one of the burger challenges tho..

    A woman was the first to break this record in one restaurant, can't remember where the restaurant was now! haha..But she was just a skinny average women and she ate a 6lb burger with the fries and all of the dressing and everything..

    I think thats definetly the factor tho, your metabolisim has gotta run at a shocking speed to do it..Try eating the 1lb one at bennigans, i said i wasn't full by the end, which i probably wasn't, but even thats a struggle! But once i'd ate it i started to feel like i could eat somemore if you get me..
  9. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I'm a bit confused though...if its nothing to do with how much you can eat, but to do with how hot is it.....why would it make any difference how fat the person was? ???
  10. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Because you'd need a sort of really fast metabolisim if you get me? Im not saying they couldn't do it..

    But im just saying that the person who has the most chance is someone with a high metabolisim if you get me?

    Its because the more muscle compared to fat you have, the faster your metabolisim is..

    I see your point tho..Suppose in terms of this challenge its more how iron your stomuch is! I think i just said it really so i sounded less like alls i thought about was food..When the reality is abit different, haha..
  11. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Lol when I was in UK F&B we had the 'drop-cup' challenge. We had little paper cones to drink from if we wanted a drink and you had to consectively do a cup from all of the nozzles on the soda machine- ie. coke, diet coke, sprite etc etc one after the other. It sounds easy but its a lot of fizzy in a quick space of time and its hard!
    Charlotte x
  12. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    That sounds tough..Have you tried drinking just the syrup? My mate said its awful, apparently u can turn the nossle, so that the water doesnt come out and just the syrup does! I bet thats disgusting!
  13. rachet

    rachet New Member

    eat a pack of dry crackers without water or any kind of topping. go on, i DARE ya!
  14. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I may have to take you up on that challenge, i love crackers, haha.. ;D
  15. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Ew How ugly are those people in the first ice cream picture. Sorry if it's anyone on here.
  16. Emi

    Emi New Member

    You are such a betch Dylan... :-\
  17. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I know, he is! At least he doesn't bad mouth bleu cheese tho :'(

    Now thats a bitch, haha, only messin :D

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