Cast Roles - Costuming. Merchandise, Quick Service

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by a.fafard, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. a.fafard

    a.fafard New Member

    Hey guys and gals,

    I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about the Costuming Role and if you work all alone or with other people.
  2. Ophelia

    Ophelia New Member

    Hey, I'm got a role in costuming as well and I spoke to a girl who did it like two years ago or something and she gave me some insight into the role. She said that we will most likely be working in shows and parades and that chances of being involved in distributing cast member's costumes to them is minimal so its gonna be quite exciting and fun. You will be building costumes, assisting the performers with getting dressed and undressed and a little bit of laundry as well. You dont really get any guest interaction (which I think is a bonus =P).
    Apparently only very very few people get this role. I'm soooo excited....I really hope that I'll work for one of the musical shows....but I think anything is gonna be fun. =)
    Hope I could help you a bit.
  3. a.fafard

    a.fafard New Member

    That helped soo much! When are you going to Disney? I leave on May 2nd till July 30th. Maybe we'll work together :D I definitely feel that little to no guest interaction is a big bonus!
  4. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Yeah, (it might be the same person) but I was on the ICP in 2008 with a girl called Vic who did costuming. She loved it as far as I know! You have to help the cast members get into thier costumes and get out of them efficiently, she worked on the parades in MK but I know you could end up somewhere else or in a different park :) If you don't particuarly like guest interaction then I am sure you will have a good time and you're right, not many ICPs get that role ;D
  5. Ophelia

    Ophelia New Member

    Yeah it was her actually!...I talked to her on facebook. ..

    I'm starting on May 25th...who knows maybe we'll work can show me things then lol
  6. a.fafard

    a.fafard New Member

    Do you have her full name? I'd love to talk to her about the role.
  7. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    I'm a character performer so u can dress me hehe ^_^
  8. Maak

    Maak New Member

    I am also going to do costuming and was really wondering what the whole job was going to be about. Is the fact that there are so few of us a good thing or a bad thing?, does it imply its like the elite group of the program (lol) or is it because only few people want to do it and we´re the only ones who chose it? Well anyways the little guest interaction is like the best thing of this role, I really don´t fancy having to smile to every kid who comes bothering. I just hope I'm not in MK, there's only stuff for little kids there, I'd prefer DHS or AK.
  9. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    But you might be helping on the parades and MK has the BEST parades! Ok, I am a little biased but still...
  10. Maak

    Maak New Member

    Well yeah, that's true, MK does have cool parades
  11. Maak

    Maak New Member

    sO, now I've come with another question for does who have already done costuming in the past. Do we get many chances to work more than 30 hours? Cuz I don't think ill be able to live with $80 a week taking off the cost of housing.
  12. seraphim_cry

    seraphim_cry New Member

    I'll be in Costuming too :) Leaving on June 20th. Hope I get to meet the rest of you :p

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