Hey everyone I just got a email, saying i got through to the interview stag...yay...was just wondering if anyone else was going to these ones?
I will be Couldn't actually believe I got that far, I thought I totally bombed the phone interview! I'm so excited but so nervous too- does the 10 applicant per place ratio stand for the summer programme too, because fricking hell that's a scary statistic!
You guys on the summer programme then? If you are tell us (or me!) all about it as ive got my Summer Programme Interview in birmingham the week after! (As i posted earlier) Getting kind of nervous now.. but excited at the same time!!
Mine's a summer programme interview, but I think there are people from all the programmes interviewing at the same time? I might be wrong though... But yup, I'll let you know how it goes
glad to see there is someone else going to the cardiff interviews....add me to msn hannahsullivan@hotmail.co.uk... we can chat a bit more
Howd they go, what you get asked? Were there a lot of people there? Did you have to stay all day?? ??? Hope it went well!? ;D
Just the general question you'd expect got asked- why do you want to work in this area, how will you cope with the living conditions, etc... There were quite a few people there, but a lot of them were applying or looking into it as what looked like a compulsory part of a university course- they had to do a summer internship as part of their degree, and they signed an attendance sheet, etc, and half of them hadn't been through the pre-screen interview, so I'm not quite sure what was going on there! And I didn't have to stay all day, no- my interview was at 11:40, but they were going on until well into the afternoon, so you may well have a long break between the presentation and the interview. I would have thought most of the people in the afternoon would have been people from the university and applying through their course though, as most of the people who stayed around after the presentation for the earlier interviews seemed to be from other universities. I don't know if this'll be the same situation at other places though... Oh, and they interviewed us in pairs, which was a bit random, but oh well!
Pairs!? Hmm thats interesting, spose it puts you at ease a bit! Was everyone in suits, smart dress apart from the "random" uni students?!
Erm, I think most of the guys were in suits, and most of the girls were wearing stuff like black trousers and a smart blouse or shirt. (And we were all uni students- everyone there was for the summer programme so I don't know if they interview differently or people might be smarter for the year long, as I guess by then not everyone's in suits and it's a slightly 'bigger' position, if that makes sense??) I think I'd've preferred a one-on-one interview to be honest, I kept comparing myself to the girl I was with thinking 'baaaah, she's really good'! Though when I interviewed there were four of us, interviewing with two different people, and they split the two girls applying for entertainment up, so nobody in the pairs were applying for the same position. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, though...
Thats interesting, so you got to say what dept you wanted to work for at the interview? Thats cool, cheers for all the info not long till mine now.. :-\
Yeah, they give you the form with all the jobs on after the presentation and you fill that out before your interview. They ask you questions about the certain positions based on what jobs you're interested in, and make sure that if you want to do something like lifeguarding or character performer that you'd be OK with the conditions of the job (like if you're claustrophobic and don't like heat, then character performer isn't for you, if you have visible tattoos on your legs and arms then you probably won't have much of a chance as a lifeguard, etc, etc) Good luck for your interview by the way! If you want to add me to msn and talk some more about it then I'm theelusivemoose (@) hotmail (.) com
Merchandise and Food & Bev- was thinking about character performer, but then realised that seeing as I'm not hugely fantastic in the heat and that I hate closed spaces, that probably wouldn't be the best idea in the world! You?
operations and then character assistant, then merchandise and custodial. id be happy with anything though!