Canadians When is a good time to Apply?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Timitu, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    As some might remember, I applied about a month ago but they told me I should re apply in September. Man what a long month it has been waiting.

    Just wondering when is the best time to apply in September? Does anyone know. Or just any time in September. I am looking forward to getting the ball rolling but I don't want to be too eager and apply too early and be forgotten when they go to look through them.
  2. brad

    brad New Member

    Im sending in my resume sometime this week. I have learned my lesson not to wait too late with cast-a-way.
  3. Lindsay

    Lindsay New Member

    I literally just sent my application less than five minutes ago.
    My fingers are permacrossed!!
    It would be amazing to get a job like this!
  4. brad

    brad New Member

    Hey Lindsay! Im glad to see im not the only one from Toronto applying for the west coast interviews. :)
  5. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    LOL. We are all from Ontario? Lol. That is awesome. If we get the F2F interviews we might be going at the same time. :) Awesome. Thanks for letting me know. I will get my resume and stuff together and send it out today.
  6. brad

    brad New Member

    Alright, so I'm not crazy! I was scared to apply for the west coast because I thought cast-a-way would tell me 'wait your turn' for the Toronto interviews, but I cant wait that long! haha. That would be good if we all get to the face to face. I assume you guys would be flying to the west? I've sent mine in, so it will be a mad dash to the phone everytime it rings.
  7. Lindsay

    Lindsay New Member

    Ontario is taking over lol.
    Too funny :)
    That would be really funny if we were all on the same flight.
    I'd have a buzz lightyear backpack so if you see me at the airport (if i get it) then stop me and we'll chat.
  8. Lindsay

    Lindsay New Member

    I got an email response.
    It told me to apply in September.
    Is it just me, or are we actually in September?
  9. brad

    brad New Member

    sorry, kinda double post i already resonded in your other post. Anyways, I had trouble emailing my resume in last time i applied, so this time I sent mine by Canada Post's express-post to their office. As I said in the other post, Ive seen things like this happen before. Maybe give them a call and ask them if they recieved it?
  10. DigitalPhear

    DigitalPhear New Member

    Hrmm...I just faxed mine into them.

    Actually I didnt even bother witht he resume..I just faxed them that thing you can print out under "How to Apply" on this website. Thats what I did last time I applid through Cast-A-Way and it worked fine.

    Guess we'll see soon enough.
  11. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    I will be flying out of London Ontario. So I am betting I wont see anyone flying out with me. But maybe at least at the air port. Or if not then we will see each other at the interviews hopefully. :) Go Ontatio. LOL. We are all just crazy I guess. :) I cant wait either I would just go crazy wanting to know if I will make it or not. At least trying once will let me relax if I don't get it and just apply for the next one. It will be closer so you can guarantee if I don't make this one I will be in the next one. I am going to call them today I think, just to make sure things are all good. Plus I want to find out about the application part. I might have to fax that... my scanner sucks right now.

    PS: I also got the e-mail about applying in September but they say " if you have already done so...Thank you, we will be in touch soon." So I am not sure... But I will ask when I call. :)
  12. jessewm66

    jessewm66 New Member

    Yea Timitu, I got the same response when applying today too. I believe that means that they recieved it ok but I am going to verify early next week that they recieved mine ok. So I guess the waiting game begins till the phone interviews...
  13. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Just so everyone knows. I called them this afternoon and they said told me they would be getting a hold of us for our interview times soon. They are just sorting them out. :) The wait is so long. I am actually keeping this secret from most people I know, other then my Close family I see too often to hide it and a few of my friends. I told everyone else why I am so strangely happy when the phone interview is over. LOL. It is going to be tough.
  14. jessewm66

    jessewm66 New Member

    Ha! Same here! I have refrained from telling certain people just because I don't want to have a whole bunch of people expecting me to get in and me not getting in. But waiting should be a painful. I am glad they told us in the e-mail that interviews will be November 5th in Calgary and November 6th in Vancouver, just so I have something to look forward to (if I pass the phone interview!).
  15. DigitalPhear

    DigitalPhear New Member

    ok I broke down and emailed in a REAL resume and cover letter. :eek: I am SO WEAK!

    CRP is breaking me florida..need...sun...funnnn arghghghhgggggggggg!!...!.!..

    So where did I hear that the Calgary f2f's are on November 5th...and Van is Nov.6th?

    Im totally going to try and get into Calgary if possible...whats everyone elses thoughts on that.
  16. brad

    brad New Member

    I want Calgary too, I have never been out west and Vancouver seems kind of scary, I dont know why, but I prefer Calgary. I e-mailed my resume on friday because apparently they didnt like that i sent it to them through the mail, and now Im waiting for a reply. Its killing me!
  17. DigitalPhear

    DigitalPhear New Member

    if you like big cities then youd dig Van...but yeah I gotta admit myself that Calgary is alot more ..hrmm "user friendly"

    If a pile of us make it for the f2f's we should all book in the same hotel and get together the night before/day after whatever and have some drinks and get to know each etc etc.

    Thats what we did last time...there was like 6 of us. It was good times!
  18. jessewm66

    jessewm66 New Member

    lol I guess I'll be the lone duck out over here in the Vancouver Interviews. Hopefully we will all make it in so I get to meet all you folks from out east! But yea as time goes on I am getting more and more paranoid about everything.
  19. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Ya I am going to try to the Calgary one too. I was going to for the Vancouver cause it would be nice to see and I know people around there, but the F2F interviews is less then a week before my best friends wedding so I don't wanted the soonest one just so I could have enough time to get back. Plus I could not find anyone to board the Ferrets with so I am just going to have to leave them and have my neighbor make sure they have water and food.

    I like the idea to get the same hotel together so we can meet up. It will be lots of fun so we should keep each other updated on stuff.

    The wait is killing me too though I realize It is probably crazy for me to expect something this soon I still go crazy with every long distance phone call and ever e-mail that comes in. LOL. But I guess I am not alone right now. LOL. :)
  20. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    Just wondering, has anyone heard anything yet? I know we are in the same boat and all need to make sure we have plane tickets to get over to Calgary and time is getting closer. I have never flown this last minute so I am kind of getting nervous it will be hard to get a seat as time gets closer.

    Anyone hear anything about when we would find out, or has anyone gotten and e-mail or something? I guess we would probably hear if you did I mean something that exciting but just in case I thought I would ask. :)

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