Canadians- Getting Visa @ Airport???

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by kekepuana, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. kekepuana

    kekepuana New Member

    Hey everyone.... just wondering if anyone can explain the process of how we get our visas at the airport??? What we need to show/say?? Important things we need to watch for???

    Getting alittle overwelmed with not knowing
  2. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    I am pretty sure you get the physical card on the know when you fly internationally and they give you the customs card...I think that you have to ask for a different one (I am not sure of the name of the actual paper) and then all the work is done at customs? I am not totally sure though...and am not totally sure about the embassy appointment that we have to do before we leave...when are you headed out? have you gotten your info pack yet? because I think that the info may be in there? sorry, I don't have a whole lot of info on the subject....maybe give Eric a call...and then post all the info on here?
  3. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    Don't stress over it hunny, I had no idea either, the guy in Calgary was a bit of a jerk to me (compared to someone the other experiences I heard) When you clear customs, so in Toronto (not sure where you are clearing) you'll ask for an I-94 form, and they may ask you to go fill it out and come back, or they might fill it out with you!

    and then staple...if there are any major issues once you get there, Disney will take care of it and get it fixed!
  4. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    And what Ashi said is ALL that we have to do in Canada. NO Embassy Vists, NO Extra Costs, NOTHING. Just fill out your I-94 and you're good to go.
  5. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Kay I have a question then (which really is due to my not having an info pack until September) but when I called Cast-a-way for my position, the woman (I forget her name) told me that once the pack comes, I have to make an embassy appointment etc...I can;t remember everything that she said, and that I have to do some Visa stuff online? and I am from was she mistaken? or just telling me mis-information?
  6. Linz

    Linz New Member

    No one said anything to me about a visit to the embassy and I've been on the phone with cast a way alot the last few days. I'm getting my info pack sometime this week so i'll let you know.
  7. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    I got my pack for my 2nd program just over a week ago and for neither of them I had to go to an Embassy. They were H2-B and Q-1 visas.
  8. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Kay! I was quite confused when she told me that, based upon what was said at the interviews...I thought she may be mistaken when she told me that! I thought you just got it when you went through the border...or got it at customs! Thanks guys! (ps...Linz how's it going? haven't heard from you in a while!)
  9. I found that when I talked to her she didn't seem that well-informed...I'd email Eric to be sure, but I'd go by what everyone else on here is saying. She told me I couldn't take my own transportation to the apartments when I arrived, I had to be picked up at the airport. So what does she think the people driving down do? :S

    There is something that needs to be done online I think...I can't remember if she said it was the 35$ sevis fee (that may be what she was talking about, but I thought that was only for j-1 visas) or something else...
  10. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Hmmmm, yeah I thought it was a little strange that I am the only person she said that too...everyone else on here is making a lot more sense than she did!
  11. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Yeah there is a fee to pay online or you can pay it at the clubhouse in one of your first few days... in fact this year all my paperwork just says to pay it when I get there.
  12. kekepuana

    kekepuana New Member

    Okay ... well it seems like its not a big deal at all for us Canadians... so no worries there and thanks everyone for the details...

    Now this fee you are talking about is it the $80 programme assesment fee that you are talking about ... or is there something else?
  13. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Thats the fee I'm talking about (forgot the name... and I have a feeling it was only 70 bucks a year ago....)
  14. kekepuana

    kekepuana New Member

    I just got my package out sooooo lets see.... heres the break down

    $82 - program assessent fee
    $69 - 100 - first weeks rent
    $50 - 100 - groceries for first week
    $30 - 50 - work shoes to be purchased after arrival
    (various countries) - airfare for pre-paid ticket

    NOTE: all costs are approximate

    Thats the break down in the package

    hope this helps
  15. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    NO worries people!

    If you are in F&B there are only one pair of shoes! Black non slip.

    The Program Assessment Fees, pays for your "Activities Fee" Can be paid online, or within your first two days of "LONG 8hrs in a freezing room" Days!

    HAVE TO BE Met at the Airport? A Lie! I came down two days early and took a cab to Commons. You just have to call the International Office and let them know. Same for if you book your own flight or if you want disney to book it. (I'd suggest booking your own flight, as you can usualy find better deals)

    Umm...What was the other think i was reading...

    Oh Right, "Visa's" No Embassy stuff is needed, just fill the i_94 form out when you clear customs, whether it at an airport or land crossing.

    That's me ( if you have ANY questions! I'm already hear and just going through all the introduction processes!
  16. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    ya i remember the lady on the phone saying the same thing about an embassy thing...but i asked her if we gotta go somewhere or fly somewhere for that she said no... so i'm not totally sure about that either....

    haha to do with shoes in the canadian pavillion i hope they have shoes in size 14 and most times 15 lol... cause thats the size of my feet haha... will be funny to see if they actually do have those sizes cause you never find shoes anywhere those sizes haha...

    and ya i remember them saying that at the interviews all we have to do is fill out that card... so that lady made it a little confusing

    and meg i agree didnt really sound like that lady knew that much....

    anyways this summer is gonna go by sooooo slow lol... i wanna go now haha...

    at least i got stanley cup playoffs to watch to pass the time hey jordan ... haha

  17. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    lol no doubt! Game 7 of the SCF ended about 5 hours before my flight last year so that means the SCF will probably be occouring while I'm driving down this year :( ah well what can you do?

    Andrew I can't remember are you F&B? You can probably get the specifics from someone on here and buy your shoes before hand. I did/am doing that with my hiking boots
  18. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    ya im f&b ... hopefully someone can let me know lol... cause lord knows i have tough times finding shoes lol... can never find any in winnipeg haha..
  19. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Hey Andrew!

    Good to know I am not the only one who is totally confused! welcome to the embassy club?
  20. Linz

    Linz New Member

    Hey guys!

    I'm going nuts trying to get everything ready in time for June. I'm glad to see that we don't have to visit the embassy, thats a relief! I'm pretty sure the woman your talking about is Julie, I think she's just an assistant or something. she probably got mixed up with people being recruited for some of the cruise lines they work with.

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