Canadian Interviews?!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Mylo, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. Mylo

    Mylo New Member

    Hey all, I was wondering if any of you have already had an interview with Cast-A-Way and if you could post some of the questions they asked you?
  2. merebear

    merebear New Member

    What interview are you on? Are you going to have your phone interview or your face to face interview? They're both pretty standard and everyone is really nice about it, and they don't mind the nervous stutters which is really nice cause believe me I had a few.
  3. Mylo

    Mylo New Member

    No interviews yet. But I noticed that there are no real posts up about the interviews in Canada yet and I was hoping we could get a bunch of posts of all the questions people have been asked. Interviews are always the most nerve-racking :eek:
  4. merebear

    merebear New Member

    I went for the interviews in November and I had my phone interview about 2 weeks before the interview (they're not the most organized of people, but then sometimes neither am I ;D) The phone interview is relatively simple, they're trying to get a feel for your personality so they can decided if they want to invite you to the face to face ones. I had my phone interview with Nicola and she is so nice. She asked me where I lived, because she didn't know where my home town was (which isn't surprising) and she asked my what I did for fun, she asked me about the attractions in my town, like what draws tourists there (which isn't much) and then she asked me if I could suggest a place for someone to visit who was visiting the country to go to and why (its to see if you really know about Canada which I'm assuming you do cause you live here) I picked Banff.
  5. merebear

    merebear New Member

    And don't worry about getting ahead of yourself, its good to know what to expect. I have a friend in Florida right now but she was here for a while before my interview, I pumped her for info before she left hehe ;D
  6. Mylo

    Mylo New Member

    That actually doesn't sound too bad! So which program did you apply for?
  7. Mylo

    Mylo New Member

    Haha awesome! I would've done the same thing ;D
  8. merebear

    merebear New Member

    Cult. Rep. program, I leave in June , if I ever get my package of information, I think that waiting is the hardest part of this whole thing. Its frustrating as heck. What have you applied for? I'll keep my fingers crossed that they get back to you fast.
  9. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Yup that post pretty much describes the phone interview... the face to face is with a Disney recruiter and is just as similar although they ask slightly different questions, although I can't remember any I was asked to give you an example.
  10. Mylo

    Mylo New Member

    I'm applying for the summer program but I don't think I'll be able to go until next summer. I haven't sent them my resume yet. I'm thinking I could apply this year, and at least get some experience with the interview and try again next summer when I'm actually sure I can do it. Grr! What do you think merebear?
  11. merebear

    merebear New Member

    The interviews really aren't all that bad. Yes it was a little nerve racking when I walked into the room where they give you the "Life at Disney" presentation (I think that's what it consisted of...memory like a goldfish sometimes) and I saw all the people that were there for the same job that I was. My boss at work perviously went to Florida in 03 I think, and she basically told me that even if they don't off you a position right away, there is always the wait list (which I was put on, and then got a phone call 2 weeks later after my being put on the list). Basically just be yourself both with the phone interview and the face to face. They want to know when you'll be able to go, that was one of the first questions they asked me. If you feel that you need the practice, I'd say do it, but they do such as good job of putting you at ease during the interview. I basically talked with my recruiter about my life in general for 15min. It was really cool.
  12. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    I send them my resume a week ago eric e-mail me back interviews in april my guees is that i will get a phone call before than?
  13. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    here is a good question about the interviews... whats the girl to guy ratio at the F2F interviews?..... do they try to hire same amount of guys as girls??.... do guys have a better shot of making it in ? cause i've heard there is more girls that apply....then guys
  14. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    I don't think they would hire u just because you are a guy.
    I think during my time there was just one guy at canada merch...haha...poor guy
    And there will def be less guys at the pavillon than girls. Maybe they have more trouble with the guys ??? You just can't
  15. merebear

    merebear New Member

    I have no idea if guys have a better chance than girls, all I know is that at my interviews in November, there was about the same amount of guys in the room as there was girls, that was nice to see. I conduct interviews were I work and you don't always see that. But from what I've heard from my friend in Florida, there are more girls than guys. No idea why.

    Vader1, you will get a phone call from someone before the interviews in April. I send in my resume by email and Eric emailed me back the next day. I waited over a month before my phone interview with Nicola. Don't worry if they don't get to you right away, like I said waiting is the hardest part. But hopefully they'll get back to you within a reasonable time frame.
  16. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    Well now i can relax ;D
  17. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I know this might've been said awhile ago when I was new with this and was waiting to go and it was mentioned in an earlier post, but the most important things are for you to be yourself! Fun and friendly hopefully! Make sure you smile, even on the phone interview because you can tell when you're on the other side. But just be excited, let them know that you want to be there and show them why you're the best person for it. I don't remember exactly what I was asked at my f2f interview but they're mostly your standard interview questions such as:

    Tell me a little about yourself. How did you hear about opportunity? Why do you want this job? Tell me about one of your strengths/weaknesses. Tell me about a time when.... you went above and beyond... you dealt with a difficult situation. Why are you the best candidate for the job?

    It definitely helps to be prepared for an interview so make sure you think ahead of time some answers you could give to some of those questions. Of course you don't want to sound like you memorized it but know what you want to say. Also, don't be afraid to take a couple of seconds after you've been asked a question to think about it before you reply.

    As for guy/girl ratio, I think there was about 30 canadians with me when I went down on the summer program and we had 9 guys... I do believe there were more girls than guys though at my interview.

    Anyways, hope this helps and good luck to everyone with the interviews!
  18. QueensGirl

    QueensGirl New Member

    yeah i found the whole interview process when i did it last year really relaxed and pretty straightforward in terms of the questions they ask. They didn't ask anything unexpected or hard to answer as long as you genuinely want to go and are excited about working at Disney! I just showed them my enthusiasm for Disney World and smiled a lot, and I think that's mostly what they looked for..and for some life experience.
    The worst part of the whole process was the waiting after the interview..and i never even got a call when they said they would call, so i had to call them! so that was a bit nervewracking...but the whole process is worth it! at least..i hope it is :)
  19. merebear

    merebear New Member

    The waiting part really does suck, but I think my excitement far out-weighs it. I'm on the waiting for information package and waiting to go stage (worst stage of waiting in my opinion) but for everyone waiting for your interviews don't worry over much, be yourself, smile lots, and let them know how much you want it. Your enthusiasm is the most important thing you could show them.
  20. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    I found waiting for a reply worse than waiting to go. The only nerve-racking part about waiting to go is waiting for my package to show up. It would be so nice to actually have it in my hands and know that everything is good to go.

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