Canadian Face to Face Interviews

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by whiterabbit, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    Hey! Does anyone know when Canadians are supposed to hear back from Yummy Jobs regarding whether or not we got an in person interview? Thanks ;D
  2. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    Got my email saying I got a f2f! Anyone else coming to Toronto interviews?? SO EXCITED :D
  3. Abeille

    Abeille New Member

    Amazing. How did your phone interview go? What did you answer for your questions?
    I'm from Canada too, I saw that you asked me that after the fact haha.
    I just had my phone interview yesterday and I'm so nervous, they said I wouldn't hear back for another 4 weeks.
  4. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    I felt like my phone interview was pretty average. I didn't feel like I was exceptional (its hard to really stand out over the phone) but I felt confident that I answered all the questions as enthusiastically as I could and to the best of my ability. Apparently thats all you need to do to make it through :D I'm sure you did fine! As long as you didn't trip over your words too badly or as long as you don't sound like a yeti you should be fine! lol :p good luck ;D

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