OKAY, so here is the deal I am 17 years old. But i would like to apply for the Int.Program now. BUT it asks on the app. form if you are at least 18. if i check "no" arnt they automaticly going to disregard it?! another thing, when is the best time to apply for this program? I've been wanting to do this since I was 14 and it is so close i can taste that disney popcorn in my mouth Please help though, it is either this or university straight out of highschool, and I don't want that!
Hey Mousefreak! I think you are okay, as long as you are going to be 18 by the time the program starts...I've heard of 17 year olds applying before, and I know that Cast-a-way is accepting applications now...so your best bet is to send it in, and then check in with Cast-a-way by calling or e-mailing (but calling is always best), just to check that they received your app. and to direct any questions that you may have. I've found that if they know who you are off the bat (because of the volume of apps), that you have a better chance of being asked to the interviews! Good LUCK!!!
Where do you live? I'm not sure what's going on with the west coast interviews, but I think the phone interviews have already started and the f2f is probably soon. If you're in Toronto or on the east coast, Cast-a-way usually gets people to send their info in january. You can always email them and ask when to apply though When will you be 18?
I think you want to wait till January. That is the next time they are accepting applications for those who live in the east coast. If you live in the west coast my guess is you have to wait till September of 2008. Could be wrong but from the info I picked up they do it twice a year. Spring is in the east, fall is in the west. (The west coast ones are done, All that is left now is the face to face interviews for them in a couple of days so you would be too late for that one.)
O DANG im a westcoaster and i really dont want to have to wait untill fall, cause that means that i haev to go to university straight after high school, which is not my plan AT ALL and i turn 18 in march
On the Cast a way website it says "If you are from the west coast and would like to attend a presentation and interview in either of these cities or you are interested in a phone interview in December, please specify in your email, or contact our office at 514-694-1194." So maybe you can see if you can get a phone interview still, even though it is now january?? Just so you know, you have to be a student at a university or college in order to be part of the Int'l college program, so I assume you are intending to be involved in the cutural rep program?? good luck!
I'm from Vancouver but I'm flying out to TO for the Feb 2nd interviews since I also don't want to wait till November when they're back here. You should give that a shot!