Canadian Applicants

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Jen-Jen, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. Jen-Jen

    Jen-Jen New Member

    Hey guys,

    Congrats to everyone who got accepted for f2f interviews :) I'm a Canadian applicant and applied around the beginning of October... I was just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes for them to contact you about the phone interview. I'm so stressed already :p


    Jenny :D
  2. Maple

    Maple New Member

    Hey Jen,

    I applied on the first day application were open in early august and had to wait a long time until they contacted me back. I ended up having my phone interview on one of the first days they started doing interviews(late September).
    From what I recall, Kristen told me we wouldn't get a decision about face to face interviews until the first week of December-ish. So you should be hearing from them shortly since they'll be sending out the acceptance/rejections soon. : D

  3. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    Hey! I'm in the same exact situation as you, Maple! I've done my phone interview and now it's all I can think about! I think my interview went well but it was hard to deduce anything. The questions seemed sort of basic so I assume they were mainly looking to see if you're capable of speech :p How do you think yours went? What do you think would stand out as negative/ positive on the phone?
  4. Maple

    Maple New Member

    Was your interview super short too? I swear mine only lasted 7 minutes. I would guess that they were looking for confident applicants with an enthusiastic tone. And you're right the questions did seem rather basic, like if we fit the Disney look, can we meet the dates of the program, can we handle the living situations, heat, long hours of work etc. I think if you truthfully answered her questions in a positive manner during your interview it would stand out(since they're just preliminary questions after all). : D However, I think they'll be looking for people with a strong CV, but only time will tell. We'll hear back in 3-4 weeks. I can't wait~

    What role did you request?
  5. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    I honestly have a really bad sense of time so 30 minutes could have passed by and it would have felt like 5 to me :p but yeah i think mine was pretty short too! Thats basically what i figured theyd be looking for :p I actually don't think I've ever been more nervous for anything in my life! I also haveno patience so I'm dying to know how it went!

    I requested lifeguard but i'd probably take anything! hbu?
  6. Maple

    Maple New Member

    I asked for operations (rides). Hey if you do get in for lifeguarding, you're sure to get a wicked tan c:
  7. vanderlyle

    vanderlyle New Member

    I believe they always have trouble filling Lifeguard positions, as they are always the last ones left, so you should be lucky with that!
  8. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    LOL i hope i get a wicked tan! not a wicked burn ;) also omg i hope thats true!
  9. Maple

    Maple New Member

    I use to work at another amusement park, and they were always hiring lifeguards. They're a harder position to fill because of the extra courses needed and the usually get paid more(idk if that's the same with Disney though ;p)

    I wish we had the option of character attendant/performer :c
  10. sandnsun

    sandnsun New Member

    hey guys!
    i got an email saying that they will contact us in december about the results of the phone interview. was that the last email u guys got from them too? or did they already tell u uv been chosen for a F2F? r u applying for the summer 2012 program?

    im so nervous and excited i want to know where i stand..
  11. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    woot! i hope its the same with disney! :D

    also yeah i just got that email too! i think they sent it to everyone so you cant really deduce anything from it about whether or not u got an interview :S hope we all get it! good luck all :)
  12. Maple

    Maple New Member

    It seems everyone got that email. It just makes waiting so much harder :p
    At least they confirmed the program date for us :D
  13. Jen-Jen

    Jen-Jen New Member

    Hey Guys,

    I just got an e-mail saying I made it to the phone interview stage and I should hear about the dates within 4 weeks :) Did you guys get the same e-mail when you applied? How long did it take you guys to hear back if you did?

    Thanks :)
  14. Abeille

    Abeille New Member

    Hi guys,

    I'm totally new to this website but I just applied tonight over yummy jobs. Does anyone have an idea how long I have to wait to hear back from them? I applied for the summer program :)
  15. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    don't worry! they haven't told any Canadians whether or not we got the face to face interview yet. i guess they're still waiting to finish all the phone interviews and discuss... they told us we'd be finding out in early december :)
  16. Jen-Jen

    Jen-Jen New Member

    Hey Guys,

    I just had my phone interview, It lasted about 6 minutes so I'm kind of worried I didn't say enough :S But she did tell me she'd be contacting everyone about the f2f in about three weeks... So we may have to wait longer then we originally thought :(
  17. madaflynn

    madaflynn New Member

    Hi everyone!

    I just had my phone interview, with Kristen! I don't know how I feel about it... :-\ she called me twenty minutes early and I hadn't really composed myself yet. I could tell I sounded really nervous and flustered, but I'm hoping maybe a lot of people are nervous and flustered? It lasted about ten minutes, and now I have three weeks to freak out until I hear back! Aaaah!
  18. aabbiiee

    aabbiiee New Member

    Did anyone join that facebook group that Kristen sent? I joined but I didn't introduce myself
  19. whiterabbit

    whiterabbit New Member

    Hey guys! When do you think we'll be hearing back from them? They said early December and I'm getting more and more impatient with each passing day! Lol I'm just so so curious to know how it went, good or bad I just want to know (obviously hoping for good news)

    I'm sort of optimistic because I feel like they wouldn't leave us all waiting this long if they knew right after our phone interview that we weren't the one they were looking for. I hope that if they felt we did really badly on the phone interview they would just tell us right away and save us the pain of waiting (for months in some cases) just to be rejected!

    So keep your hopes up everyone! I believe that good news is on its way for us all :D (hope I didn't just jinx it ;)
  20. Maple

    Maple New Member

    Well it looks like all of the face to face interviews are happening in February. Congrats to those who got it!
    And if anyone else is going on the 9th for the Toronto day, I'll see you there ;D

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