Canadian 2008 CRP Applicants?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by jessewm66, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. jessewm66

    jessewm66 New Member


    My Name is Jesse, and I have been surfing these forums for a while now ever since I found out about the program last december (grrr... just AFTER the Vancouver Interviews). But have been dreaming about the opportunity of going on the Cultural Representive Program ever since. I thought since the dates for the Western Interviews are approaching later on this fall I thought I would come on and see if anyone is thinking that far in advance. I am from Vancouver British Columbia (actually just outside Vancouver in Port Coquitlam) and just wondering who might be applying this September. It doesn't matter where you are from around the world, just wondering who might be applying for the 2008 Cultural Representive Program.

    p.s. I can't believe I am that excited that I needed to create a Topic about an interview that is happening four months from now.
  2. DigitalPhear

    DigitalPhear New Member

    haha...dont be ashamed of your excessive enthusiasm Jess....everyone here suffers from it as well. :D Apparently thats whats happens when the opportunity to work, live and PLAY in WDW for a year arrises :p

    I applied once for the program about three years ago but didn't get in...but now Im thinking about giving it another shot. Just playing things by ear until then...but hopefully Ill be heading to Calgary in the fall too. Right now Im from Manitoba. :(

    What Im really hoping for is, last time when I went to the fall interviews in Calgary they actually had a couple of poistions open for IMMEDIATE filling. I would be all over that, cause I dont know what Id do between now and like next spring when they'd ship the rest of ya out.

    oh well...guess we'll see :D
  3. brad

    brad New Member

    I am definitley applying for the Calgary fall interview. I just went to Disney World in May with some buddies from work and high school and it was such an awesome trip, and it made me want to apply even more. Im from Durham (just outside Toronto) but I can't wait till the Toronto interviews in 2008 so Im applying to the west coast one. Ive been putting my resume and stuff together and hope to send it out at the start of next month.
  4. miraclepie

    miraclepie New Member

    Hey Everyone!! I'm applying as well for the Western Canada interviews. I'm from Edmonton, so I'd be heading to the Calgary ones. If I've already sent in my Resume and stuff online (but in June), do you guys think I should send it in again in September?

    Anyway, I'm finished school in December so I'd be so happy to head out next Spring if I got accepted.
  5. jessewm66

    jessewm66 New Member

    Well nice to see that there are some people just as anxious as me ;)!

    Yea I have been debating about sending in my resume and cover letter now, or waiting til september. I think I am going to wait, just so the chances of them recieving it might be greater. I am sooo excited for the opportunity to maybe be working for Disney, I am sure all of you are as well. Well the time is ticking down now, come Wednesday there is only 1 month til September and 3 months til November, kind of scary isn't it?
  6. merebear

    merebear New Member

    Don't send your resume off until the middle of September, you'll just get an email telling you to send it again then. Eric isn't reliable for keeping it on file until then. But make sure you specifically state what program you want, getting the wrong visa is not fun. December is usually when they have a few openings for new arrivals, so you may be offered a position for then. Even if you're put on the waiting list you will get to go. Best of luck to all of you!
  7. etalbott

    etalbott New Member

    Thanks for the tips about the resume send off! I really want to do the summer program next year and its killing me thinking I have to wait to send the resume in. I tried to send it in and was told to try later on as well. I'm from Kelowna- southern BC! So is there is a while to wait between sending in the resume and waiting to hear about an interview?
  8. jessewm66

    jessewm66 New Member

    Hey etalbott!! I was actually just in Kelowna a few weekends ago (My parents bought into Waterscapes). But anyways to answer your question I think they phone you in about two weeks (someone correct me if I am wrong) after you send your resume with a phone interview. After the phone interview you find out whether or not you have been invited to the Face to Face interviews in November. I could be totally wrong as I am new to this as well, but just by reading other people's comments I think that is how it works.
  9. merebear

    merebear New Member

    Its been a while since I had my phone interview (almost a year I think) But I sent in my resume at like the very end of September and got my phone interview in the middle of October. I was really apranoid that I just wasn't going to get the phone interview and that they passed me over. Not the case, Eric is just really disorganized. If you think that you have waited too long send them and email or call them, it doesn't always work but sometimes they get back to you in a timely fashion.
  10. Timitu

    Timitu New Member

    I am applying in September too. I live in southren ontario myself but thought I would go out there and see some of my friends over on that part of Canada and while I am at it make sure I am in the place for the interview if I get in. I am excited and hopeing for it. I try not to go on here as much right away cause I am driving myself crazy. But I just got to sometimes. I just dont want to get my hopes up too early or plan too much without knowing.
  11. etalbott

    etalbott New Member

    OK- I have a question. From reading the posts to different discussions many people seem to be brushing up on all their historical and interesting facts about their hometown or country. I know I am no where near an interview yet, but do they go into that much depth? Do I need to start looking at history? Although I live in Canada, I only moved here 5 years ago from the UK- so do I go for representing the UK or Canada?? ???
  12. brad

    brad New Member

    Disney says that you have to 'authenticaly represent' the country you are...representing. I guess it depends on what country you think represent better. Canada is known for being mutilcultural so I dont think they would tell you that you can not represent Canada because you are from the UK, because many Canadians were born elsewhere and chose here to be their home. Also, Canada has strong cultural and historical ties to UK, so either way I think you are safe.

    I just realised something, if you live in Canada you would have to rep Canada unless you flew to the UK for an interview with that country's hiring company.

    HAs anybody sent their stuff in for the september west coast interviews yet? I think i wil have min already to send in sometime next week.
  13. jessewm66

    jessewm66 New Member

    I was thinking the same thing Brad. I am going away for the weekend, and sometime in the middle of next week I think my resume will be ready to go. I get nervous just thinking that the adventure of applying is about to begin. Does anyone know what format they want our resume's in? Like will a word format be ok? I am just paranoid about everything right now hoping that it all works out ok because this means a lot to me. But I am sure it will be ok. Is anyone else as nervous as me about the application process?
  14. brad

    brad New Member

    I am definitely nervous too. I'm also nervous about having to go all the way out to Calgary or Vancouver for the interview, I have never been west of Ontario, but I dont have the patirnce to wait till march for the Toronto interviews. I've applied a couple of times before and sent it in Word, so I'm sure that is fine.
  15. etalbott

    etalbott New Member

    Are people sending in reference letters with their CV or not? Still trying to put it together so I don't screw it up!! Is there a date by which they would like it or is it quite open?
  16. jessewm66

    jessewm66 New Member

    Wow etalbott I was just debating over the same thing. I was trying to get my managers to do reference letters for me for yesterday but they both forgot. I was going to get it all sent out today but It'll have to be tommorow morning. The biggest fear for me is me sending it in and being too late. Hopefully that is not the case.

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