
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by josie, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. josie

    josie New Member

    hey canada people!

    i just got back from spending a week in canada and i just wanna say i love your country! had the best time!
    went to toronto and went up the CN tower and to the island to see the view of torontom and to eaton centre (amazing!) and to richtree restaurant (as recommended by Jase) and that was soooooo cool and so much fun!!

    then went to niagra and dear me, never EVER EVER seen so much snow in all my life!!!!! was amazing though and the falls looked great with the snow and the illuminations were cool. and was able to build a proper snowman! never been able to do that back here! went to niagra on the lake too and that was just the cutest place.

    so yeah, i love your country! and will defo be back there one day!

  2. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    We went over the bridge at Niagara to Canada for a night to get drunk because a few of us happened to be ever so slightly under the American legal drinking age at the time *lol*
    The falls were all lit up when we staggered back over - but as we stood (kind of) for a picture - someone turned them off.

    Somebody turned Niagara Falls off.

    That was our official line anyway.

    Didn't appreciate that whole having to pay to get back in to the states part though lol Anyone ever tried to hunt down a quarter when you're intoxicated?
  3. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    haha its even worse when you are a penny short...they are never around when you really need

    Glad to hear that you like our country so much...if you ever get the chance, try and make it out to the west coast and Vancouver...a lot less snow if any and it is so beautiful here.

  4. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    wow i'm so glad you guys liked canada and niagara falls (where i'm sort of from!). isn't it great? did you go down clifton hill? that street is awsome! so many cool attractions!
  5. brodie1

    brodie1 Guest

    Good to see you liked Canada.I would have to say my favorite place is Vancouver.
  6. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    Van City is such a crazy cool city. I love it here!!! The nightlife rocks
  7. EvilQueen

    EvilQueen New Member

    Jo... please tell me that while you were at Richtree (I'm assuming the one in BCE Place), you went downstairs to the Hockey Hall of Fame!!!!!

    Sandra :)
  8. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    robyn who are u dont have a life ;D
  9. emma

    emma New Member

    hahah i love you too....with ur online fights hahah! ok so not fights but u get me
  10. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Good to see you enjoyed everything so much!!!! I still remember when we were all babbling on here what you should go see lol
    And Vancouver is everyone's favorite place I think lol, Vancouver Island is pretty sweet, too. I am a much bigger fan of the west anyways ( I don't wanna speak french and never liked T.O. lol ).

  11. josie

    josie New Member

    no never went to the hockey hall of fame! walked past it many a time, but run out of time! :(

    niagra was just crazy and walking down to the falls was just a mission! but was soooo funny though. thought i'd found a shallow bit of snow, walked in it and it went up to my knees. and the pavement snow ploughs were soooo cute!! we don't even get standard snow ploughs over here!

    we've got snow it won't be as bad as what i had over there, but knowing the british, the country will come to a halt once we've had about 1cm! (and thats the most we're likely to get!

    planning to go over to the other side of canada....maybe next easter or summer.....graduating from uni this summer so all depends on if i have a job (cos disney don't want me sob sob)!

  12. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    What think you know me or something? :p
  13. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    well i did "party" with you last i guess u do kinda havea life...
  14. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest partied with me...who was the one calling you up last night to get you out?:p
  15. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member the party pooper! only because we've been writtin this 2000 word essay for the last 2 weeks!!! :mad:
  16. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    done and done!
  17. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    yeah the online fights between you two certainly make me laugh!


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