Canada Working dates

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by vader1, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. vader1

    vader1 New Member

    The interviews for Canada are in april but when are they sending out people to dinsey to work. does any one know. My guess is that it is in april. :)
  2. What program did you apply for?
  3. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    if the interviews are in April i doubt the arrival dates will be april.Usually you wait a few weeks to hear the interview results, and then you will be given a couple of months to prepare for your departure date.

    I know theres already a lot of canadians accepted from March -June time so my guess would be that the next set of interviews will be recruiting from august time onwards.

    I dont know though as Im from the UK but in general they do give u time to prepare for leaving, afterall getting up and leaving home for a year isnt something most people can do overnight.
  4. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    That and they need time to get you a VISA. My departure date is March 13 and they ABSOLUTELY needed my background check by Jan 12 otherwise they wouldn't be able to get my VISA in time. If you're interviewing in April there's almost no chance you will be working in April. Sorry.
  5. What about for the summer program? Those interviews are in April as well. And the summer program dates are beginning of June-ish. How long did it take to get your criminal record check done? I know I'll have to get it done before the interview. It seems so late...ahh. Surely they wouldn't have the interviews that late if they thought we wouldn't be able to get everything done in time?

    It also doesn't say anything about having a record check done...I'm lucky I've read on here and talked to a few people.
  6. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    Yeah, they asked for the check after I'd gotten the offer. It usually takes 10 business days from the day you apply for the record check (depending on the police department). It does seem odd that they would hold interviews so close to the start date.
  7. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    dont worry, when i did the 2 month program last year, I found out on the 3rd August that i was going on 10th september

    and other people found out even later than me!
  8. wow. I'm sure I read to allow 120 days!
    I don't mind that they're so close - I could be ready to leave within a day if i had to (but I guess that would mean no seat sales haha)

    PrincessJilly, I'm so happy to hear that! Maybe it isn't so late after all.
  9. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    These interviews for the Cultural Rep program are usually for the July-December timeframe.

    My cirimal record check took 10 minutes so sometimes it won't take long at all.

    And it's possible you could leave in the same month if theres positions available. Last march they needed people for the end of march and I know someone who went down that way. However most of the positions are months off becuase you wont even hear the results of your interview for likely 3 weeks after it (thats what it took last march).

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