Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by A. LO, May 23, 2005.

  1. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    WOOOO! one of the best times of the canadian year! how did everyone spend it? camping? working? just lounging around?
    i was all over the place! yesterday had a bonfire with some friends, shot off some fireworks, made some was all good! ;)
  2. BC_Belle

    BC_Belle New Member

    I worked :( but it rained most of the weekend out here in BC so i'm glad i wasn't camping. Hope yours was fun!
  3. malsywals

    malsywals New Member

    ya, it rained a lot here in ottawa. but my friends and i had a 48hour party! whoo! 48 hour party! we had a blast. mostly playing trivial pursuit, but fun all the same!
  4. rjshevy

    rjshevy Guest

    yeah the weather here in BC sucked ass. it was really depressing and wet. Was it spent indoors for you Lisa?
  5. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    wow it rained all week out there? that sucks! it was beautiful in niagara falls! perfect weather!
  6. BC_Belle

    BC_Belle New Member

    @Robyn: yeah most of it was indoors, staring out the windows at work...waiting for human company... Where i work really isn't that busy on holidays and since there's only one person working in the store at a time it can get a little boring.

    Rain isn't always bad, there have been many good times spent getting drenched in our 'BC sunshine' ;) I'm sure we won't have as many opportunities for the puddle fun in Florida, but plenty of sunshine, mmm i can't wait :D
  7. SarahJane

    SarahJane New Member

    My client is American, so I had to work! :(

    However, I got time and a half, and get a lieu day, so it's not that bad.....I'm in Ottawa and the weather was miserable, so I didn't mind so much that I had to work!
  8. malsywals

    malsywals New Member

    @sarah jane!
    yay for ottawa! i just love this town! do you live here? or were you just visiting?
  9. SarahJane

    SarahJane New Member

    Ottawa's my home town! I live downtown now, but we're buying a home (hopefully in the south end of the city) by next spring...

    Whereabouts do you live?

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