At the moment i'm 17 years old, i leave college next summer and then ill be old enough to take part in one of the programmes... I was hoping to do the J1 one but it says something about i have to still be in uni? I havent even started uni yet! Whats the best programme for me to do? or which ones am i aloud to do? thanks Adelex
Where are u from Adelex? u may be part of the CRP program, wich u'll be working in ur country pavillion at epcot (if the country have one ofcourse) The J1 its for persons doing a degree on hospitality, and if im correct u need to be in ur last year or graduated... there college program... when u work for the summer, but need to be at uni... hope this help a little!
Im from england.. thanks for your help im totally gutted i really wanted to go, but i didn't fancy the epcot programme id love to do the college programme aswell i wernt plannig on going to Uni till i got back lol! thanksx
if ur from England, the u can do the epcot one u need to get in touch wth: Yummy Jobs The Georgian Village Unit 5, 100 Wood Street London E17 3HX Phone: +44 20 8521 9615 Fax: +44 20 7691 7820 E-mail: or there u can get more info ;D
There is three types of J1 programs.. One of them is the J1 Hospitality Program Another is the J1 Academic Program (Which im doing) And there's also the J1 Graduate Program, which as you would expect as its for people who've graduated!