Bringing My Car

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Brad Ridler, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. Brad Ridler

    Brad Ridler New Member

    Hey Everyone,

    I'll be coming down for December 6th and I wanted to bring my car. Does anyone who is there right now have a car and can tell me the process of getting Florida plates, licence and insurance and what the costs are approx. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. claracampi

    claracampi New Member

  3. katiekat

    katiekat New Member


    I got here June 21 and I drove my car....sooooo nice to have!!!
    It was kind of a pain to get everything together with Florida liscence, etc. Since your car would be from Canada, (I'm guessing) you need to take it downtown Orlando to be inspected...this only takes two seconds and I don't think it costs anything, but the place is a little tricky to find. Next you need to buy insurance for your car= EXPENSIVE!!! I hate stupid American inusrance! Ok, once you have your inspection certificate and proof of insurance, oh, and a fl. driver's liscence, (less than 20$ for the er driver's liscence, just a matter of waiting in line) you register your car, the best thing to do is tell them that your car is NOT worth a lot of I have a 2001 cav, I told them I bought it for 1,500$- they can't argue with you, they have to accept what you say. the less your car is worth, the less you'll need to pay for registration. Some people have had to pay like, 1,000$, but I think I paid a little more than a hundred. and then something like 20$ for plates. And then that's it.

    But the insurance here sucks. If i had to do it over again, i think i might have co
    nsidered keeping my Manitoba insurance and just parking my car at Chatham instead...
    hope that helps!
  4. Brad Ridler

    Brad Ridler New Member

    Thanks so much for the info. What amount are we talking for insurance, can you give me some figures because I haven't 100% committed to driving down yet so I want to know what the costs will be when I get there. Like what is the approx total you shelled out to get insurance, plates, licence etc.

    Thanks so much,

  5. katiekat

    katiekat New Member

    Well, apparently even if you get your car completely "covered", (which is around 250$/month)your car is not protected by "acts of God", eg. Hail damage, bad driving, etc...
    So it's not worth it for that. Basically you have to cover yourself in case someone sues you, (stupid Americans..) and for your injuries, (because they have no free health care..) So with that, and prettymuch minimum coverage, your car is covered if an accident is the fault of the other driver, so for all that, like, bare minimum, I pay 134$/month for insurance. And i think i already mentioned the other costs that I paid.
    Hope that helps
  6. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

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