Birmingham Interview 6th March

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by louise, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. louise

    louise New Member

    Anyone else going to this interview for the academic program.
  2. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Where abouts will you be travelling from Louise? I'm so curious as to why I got a phone interview instead of an f2f, i presumed it was to do with distance, but Birmingham is like only an hour and a half train ride from me. ???
  3. louise

    louise New Member

    I'll be getting the train from Sheffield and I think it only takes just over an hour. Very confusing.
  4. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Oh well, I'll be mad if I don't get through coz I'm much better with f2f interviews.

    Looks like your the only one going from here. Good luck. I think you'll be interviewed by Kim coz she said to me she was coming to the UK to do the interviews.
  5. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I don't understand this, why are some grad people getting F2F and not others? Doesn't make any sense.

    Why not email Yummy and ask Dylan?
  6. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Kim said my interview would be based on the phone alone, and I wouldn't need to do a face to face. Kristen already said to me Disney were 'excited' to get the July interview pocess started with a few phone interviews. She also told Nina that we were interviewed by phone along with all April applicants.

    So I'm not sure whats going on. I suppose we will find out the results of the phone interviews the week following the f2f.

    This makes me think that maybe there are too many applicants to interview f2f, and if there were very few applicants, why would Kim bother flying all the way from Florida?

    Then again, maybe they are interviewing the rest of July and October on March 6th, coz if i remember rightly, didn't they phone you louise to arrange a phone interview then you deferred to October? Maybe if there were more applicants on this board for this program it would be clearer.

    Can you tell I'm overanalysing things lol.
  7. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Maybe when they were deciding who was to do phone interviews they picked people from too far away like myself and then the rest could have been chosen alphabetically so that could explain why they picked you Dylan!
    Ah i duno, its just a theory
    Here's another one for us - they picked the people they liked the sound of most out of July group to do phone interviews with the April group...... Yea I like that theory!! ;D
  8. louise

    louise New Member

    Yeah its very strange but i guess we will have to wait and see. Maybe I will find out some info from the interview.
  9. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Nina that theory is HOT! But I doubt its true lol.
  10. mark

    mark Guest

    Hi guys, :)

    This wont help much but i was interviewed by phone at the beginning of feb to leave in july (i'm from Newcastle - if that helps the distance theory!).

    But I think from what i've read on here and from what Yummy jobs have said that - the phone interviews were given to those who would have some distance to travel until all the phone slots were taken and then whoever was leftover (be it locals, late applicants or those for the october intake would get a face to face).

    Anyway, good luck to those about to have interviews and those waiting to hear results.
  11. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Hey Mark,
    Weclome to the group ;D
    How did you find your interview?
  12. mark

    mark Guest

    Hi Nina, thanks for the welcome ;D

    I'm not too sure how it went! i know that sounds daft, but i think some of my answers were quite good and then other answers weren't, and every since ive been thinking i should have said this or should have said that. So basically i'm hoping for the best.

    I defintely would have prefered a face to face tho. Even tho Kim was really nice i could always hear her typing away in the background on the phone so it was hard to work out what she thought, but with face to face it's easier to work out someones response/opinion. Fingers crossed though :)

    How did your Interview go?
  13. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Yes! Another fellow applicant. There are some out there. And Mark, I think your theory makes sense.

    I'm the same with my interview. Parts of it i kick myself about every day, other bits I think went ok.
  14. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Yep think mine went the same way :D
    That typing was so distracting!!
  15. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Nina I have copied your little ticker thing. We better have found out by the time it hits 30 lol.
  16. Nina

    Nina New Member

    And yours is much nicer than mine :mad:
    I just thought may aswell do one up coz if I don't get in then Id never have had one!!
    Eh I think you're being very optimistic with 30days!!!
  17. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Do you not reckon we will be told by the time it hits 30? After all, Kim said 4 weeks/mid March and the 30th day would fall on the 9th for me. Maybe the week after then?

    And yes, at least it would be nice to have had one if we don't get accepted. Or we could have had one saying how many days it was since we got rejected lol.

    Just had the worst moment of my life. While putting my new Special Edition of Fox and the Hound which came out today onto my Disney Classics shelf, something fell off, smashed my fish tank and there were fish flapping all over the floor.

    Fortunately they are all still alive and swimming around in my sink.
  18. Nina

    Nina New Member

    Nah I'd say they'll take at least a week after the F2F before we know!
    Sorry but I just had to laugh at your fish flapping all over the floor but at least they're ok now!!
    Is it just me or is the site slow and weird today? Couldnt even get on it earlier..
  19. mark

    mark Guest

    Yeah the site was really weird yesterday but seems fine now.

    Well Yummy said that we would find out in March so we could potentially find out out in the next few days or . . . the next few weeks!!! My phone int was 3 weeks ago today so i'm hoping that it is days rather than weeks, but all good things come to those who wait!
  20. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear New Member

    I will be at the interviews in Birmingham :)

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