Best Ride at Universal Studios and Islands Of Adventure

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 626Stitch, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member


    We have one asking about Disney rides, but what about Universal?!

    My personal favourite is The Amazing Adventures Of Spiderman. I've been on it so many times, but it still makes me say 'wow' after every ride.

    I also Love Men in Black, and Back To The Future was always my favourite. I was so bummed when they replaced it.

    What are your favourites?!
  2. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Spiderman does indeed take some beating...Back to the future was my favourite ride in the world for about a decade but this may just beat it!

    Dueling Dragons is awesome too even if some people don't rate it.

    Dr Doom is pants though, it looks so good & then is such a disappointment. My nan wouldn't even get scared by it!
  3. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I'm too scared to go on dueling dragons. haha lol.

    When I went to florida in 2007, Back To The Future had already closed, and there's about a 5 minute video of me focusing on the show building and ranting about them replacing it, and about the fact they replaced it with a Simpsons ride. To be honest, I think they were just jumping on a bandwagon because the simpsons is a major cash cow.

    My dad paid me $50 to go on Doctor Doom back in 2004!! it wasn't great- but you do get a good view of the whole park. :)
  4. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i want to meet your dad!!! i've been on it at least twice, so he owes me like $100 already!
    i find that one makes me more nervous than the rest, and my stomach does a little flip but it's still good fun.
    there's so many good ones in universal and ioa - jurassic park, the mummy, popeye, that logger falls ride, MIB to name just a few

    not that i like universal more than dissers of course ;) the rides are just more intense i gues
  5. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    He paid me because i'm not one for big rides- i haven't been on jurassic park or the mummy! I want to go on the mummy, but I haven't had the guts yet!!
    Haha Popeye is so much fun!! Especially if you are put in a raft with people who don't know how wet you get, and seeing their reactions to it are priceless!! It's even more funny because when we first get on the raft they laugh at the fact we're wearing poncho's- but we have good reason :p

    Oh no, universal can never beat disney!! They have good rides but their staff are no where near as good as CMs!! I went and bought a drink from an outdoor vendor cart in IOA, and the whole time the girl was serving me she didn't say one word to me, not even telling me how much money to give her- she just stuck her hand out for me to place it on. I was pretty shocked to be honest, and I actually muttered to myself 'they wouldn't do that in disney!'
  6. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    yeah, the staff aren't as good - we will be MUCH better!! :p

    i love dudley do-rights, no-one comes on it with me tho :(
    I personally don't really like spiderman - sometihng to do with the large amount of fire i think....

    and I hated jurassic park! i'm petrified of dinosaurs, so mum said we wouldn't do it, and wandered onto it by mistake (so innocently named as 'river adventure'!)

    i also like the jimmy neutron ride - not as good as the hanna barbera one (the characters are somehoe less believable - and if your going to redo a ride, you could do it properly, not keep it the same and just add a silly bit on the end!)
    but i think I stand alone with the 5/6/7 year olds on this!!
  7. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I go on Jimmy Neutron as well :D
    But I too like hanna barbera better than jimmy neutron- but jimmy neutron does have some amusing aspects.

    I won't do jurassic park purely because of the massive drop at the end. I can handle dudley do right and splash mountain, but jurassic park is too much for me.

    I think that Universal has a lot of rides/attractions that are really similar e.g. twister and earthquake (which is now disaster! but is theoretically the same thing), jimmy neutron, the simpsons and shrek 4D. I think they need some new formats to be honest, and to perhaps go back with some of the older formats e.g. king kong, jaws & e.t. All such classics.
  8. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    OMG Dudley Do-Rights is the best!!! If you want to get wet, go on that hehe. And I love Jimmy Neutron *with a little bit of this and little bit that and do do do* BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE!

    I don't like Dr Dooms Fearfall either... Detonator at Thorpe Park is scarier than that.

    And I looooooove Dueling Dragons. Just not in the front when it's raining...the drops really sting! And my Eeyore t-shirt got ruined with grease :( They did let me have a new t-shirt though. The guy at Guest Services was really nice about it.

    I found the Mummy's Revenge to be a disappointment when I first went on it; they made it out to be this amazing rollercoaster (and granted, the effects are pretty cool) but there's nothing to it really. I want Kongfrontation back!

    I like ET as well....its so colourful! And I love the play area where you can shoot balls at each other, not Fivels play area, Woody the Woodpeckers one...I want a play area like that at home.

    Also, the new Disaster (aka revamped Earthquake) is cool! I like the new 'we're making a movie!' aspect to it. Then you can look as daft as you want.
  9. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    Ohhh you mean the curious george area?! haha yeah that's awesome!! :)
    One year my brother and I went in it, and the last thing our mum said to us was 'don't get wet' but we were unaware that every so often a huge bucket of water tips over everything- and we ended up drenched!! So we went in the big ball area to try and dry off!

    I loved kongfrontation!! I remember that along the walls of the queuing area, there was so much graffiti so that gave you something to read while you were waiting :) I did always get the eerie feeling that kong was always staring at you on that ride though!

    I was freaking out on dudley do right because of the fact there were no lap bars and you were in single file, I was clinging on for dear life the first time I rode it.

    Aren't they re-theming dueling dragons to fit in with the new Harry Potter land?
  10. jslussier

    jslussier New Member

    for island of adventure i'll say both hulk and duelling dragon but for universal studios i'll go with jaws (a classic). the first time i get on jaws i was 6 and my mom put me at the end of the boat... I was freaking i think that i cry... But i came back at more brave...and I just like it since then.... But My olders brother and sister and I went to the "water town" when we were all 15 and up... And we stay there for more than an hour... that was so amazing!!!!!
  11. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    Dueling dragons definitely is one of my faves! Dr. Dooms is really week though. I've had more fun taking an elevator than on that ride, lol.

    Universal has more intense, more thrill rides than Disney but the theming is not as good and their employees really can't compare. When I went, my friend's and I decided to hassle them and ask if we could get a Castmember discount lol
  12. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    With Dueling Dragons- is it true that fire is more intense than ice?

    I heard somewhere that a lot of Universal's employees are ex Disney employees who have been fired, and they like to hire them because of the amount of training they've had.
  13. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Actually a lot of my friends at Disney also worked at Universal...just think, you get free entry and discounts practically everywhere if you work at both!

    I too, don't think Universal is any better than Disney, and vice versa....Universal has great rides, but Disney has the magic ;) I could happily spend the day in MK or Epcot and just take in the atmosphere. You can't do that at Universal.

    I can't wait for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter though! At the moment you have to use a different way into Duelling Dragons because the front entrance is all closed off. Couldn't see anything exciting at the top of Duelling Dragons though :(
  14. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    i havent been on many rides. I love the mummy ride, it was fantastic. I also when i was younger loved the Hannah Babera ride. I was gutted that they replaced it. But im glad they kept the merchandise. I missed the beetlejuice show, can any one comment on that? I loved the movie make up show!!! "this is not disneyworld, i don't have to be nice to you".
  15. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    THE HULK IS THE BEST! at islands of adventure and then i like jurassic park and dudley doright falls, thats awesome.
  16. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I forgot about the make up show, that is pretty fun :)

    I can't remember the beetlejuice show very much as we only really saw it when I was younger.


    I'll be interested to see the updates and changes to IOA because of The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter when I go on holiday to Orlando in June, because I still don't quite understand where they're putting it in the park, what's being taken out from the Lost Continent land etc ???
  17. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    Oh and does anyone remember the Wild West show that used to be in Universal?!?
    I don't know when it closed, but it was there in 1997, I can't remember if it was there on my following visits though :-\.
  18. MattSource5

    MattSource5 New Member

    i had forgotten about fievel's playground! i have a video of me there at like 4-6ish years of age squealing "yeehah". it was closed the last time i went there :(
    also, on dudley doo right's the girl from the video was actually putting people onto the ride...her co-worker found that very funny.

    oh, and as Audrey II mentioned them taking the mick out of Disney, has anyone been on that Kilimanjaro Safaris-esque ride in Busch and had the driver said stuff like "SIMBA ONE! SIMBA ONE!"
  19. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    OMG I love that ride! Haha. I don't like seeing the animals there though...they don't look very happy. Mum was the navigator last time and took us the "wrong" way...tut tut! Haha.
  20. Discostu81

    Discostu81 New Member

    Busch rules all as far as the 'coasters go. To be fair though, there isn't a whole lot else with the exception of the 4 'coasters.

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