Best Location to work in...

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Lindsay, Sep 3, 2007.

  1. Lindsay

    Lindsay New Member

    I was just wondering what part of the program everyone worked and/or they wish they worked in a different one. Also what do you like about your area?

    Meaning are you happy with merchandise or F&B?

    I'm dying to hear some feedback to help me decide if I ever get called.
  2. brad

    brad New Member

    This is a good question, and I have been wondering the same thing. I was also curious about whether it is possiable to pick up shifts in aother areas or parks if you are doing the cutural rep program, or are you only able to work in the pavillion you are representing?
  3. Elliot_Stone

    Elliot_Stone New Member

    Its a sure thing that you can't pick up shifts in other pavillons but I think if you speak to your line manager it is possible to get some job shadowing done in the clubs of Pleasure Island, though I believe these would be unpaid but still could be a fun way to spend a day. You might even pick up some flaring skills and make some new friends ^_^ Though again its done on a one to one basis and is at the discretion of your area manager.
  4. Linz

    Linz New Member

    I don't know what they permit for the collage programs. I thought that CR's could do job shadows. However I was informed by management that as Cultural rep's we can't. Mostly to do with the restrictions of our Q1 visa. :p However there must be a loop hole somewhere that Disney uses to its advantage because on Extra magic hours night you can be assigned to wristband distribution which is run by Innoventions(i.e. during those hours you work for innoventions and you are paid by them).

    I'm in merch, it's pretty good. You have alot of opportunity for guest interaction and "Making Magic" that can be real fun. if you doing CR just be prepared to be asked "where is kidcot"? about a billion times a day.
  5. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    What is Kidcot?
  6. Elliot_Stone

    Elliot_Stone New Member

    Lol Thats funny, your joking right? ^_^

    If not apologies.
  7. Jay1988

    Jay1988 New Member

    I worked in Cosmic Rays in Magic Kingdom, very busy quick service restaurant, at times it could be stressful on counter as it would be really busy, angry/awkward guests. But the amount of people just working in cosmics was great, so you get to work with many different people, from all over and make loadsa friends. But because you choose F&B doesn't mean you will be put in a restaurant, you could be on a popcorn stand ect, on your own, which after working in a restaurant wouldn't appeal to me. Even though I didn't know many people who worked in merchandise, my 1 friend who did, didn't like it too much, because she didn't meet that many people working there. Thats just one person though. Its luck basicaly!
  8. Linz

    Linz New Member

    Kidcot is a station at each pavilion in epcot where kids do a kraft or or get their epcot passports stamped. i was once asked about 18 times in just 10 min.
  9. britishseapower

    britishseapower New Member

    I worked in outdoor foods in Magic Kingdom which is on the ice cream/popcorn stands outside. The good thing about ODF is that you could be working anywhere in the park, during my time there, I worked in each of the 7 lands in Magic Kingdom. The only downside to that is that you have to wear the costume for each assigned land, so I always had to phone in work on the day, to find out what costume I would be in. As Jay mentioned as well, you be working alone so it's not as easy to make friends in ODF unless your a stocker or someone who gets a bit more freedom. Plenty of people do make friends but there is a large chunck of your time spent alone.
  10. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I worked in MSN QSF&B (thats Main Street North Quick Service Food and Beverage for those not in the know LOL.) I worked in the Main Street Bakery and Plaza Ice Cream Parlor and loved it! There was only a small bunch of us CP's (maybe 20?) but we were such a close group, especially as we all worked those long Spring Break and Grad Nite shifts together!

    I also worked at the World Famous Jungle Cruise, and worked with many more people, but I loved (most of) them as well.

    One of my roomates did ODF in MK and hated it. In our arrival group only 5 of us were doing F&B, and the other four got ODF, and none of them liked it. I'm not sure I would either, as I don't really like working alone, but I would have appreciated the guest interaction more than they did.

    The best place to work really depends on your own preferences. Having already worked there, there are roles I know I wouldn't want to do (like custodial...ew white costumes??) and things I'd love to try (ensemble in Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage, or friends with the Evil Queen ;) as well as a Mansion Maid!) but right now I'd clean Main Street with a toothbrush if that's what it would take to get me back there!
  11. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    This is off-topic sorry, but I'm arriving in November for 10 weeks and are in operations. Anybody know what sort job I'm most likely to get? I'm hoping for an attraction rather than a parking lot or something, but not a role where I have to remember a big spiel or anything lol, not that I think they would make a newb do that.
    Any guesses appreciated!
  12. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Haha not the Jungle Cruise or Great Movie Ride then! And don't be too sure about not making new people work at attractions with long spiels...I was put at the Jungle Cruise, but picking up the spiel was very easy. However, all attractions do require a certain amount of spieling, it just depends on which one you might get.

    As well as attractions and parking, you can be given park greeter/PAC. Half of that role includes...well...greeting guests, and the other half includes playing games with kids and watching parades all day! I think that may only be for MK though, I'm not sure about MGM.

    It's pot luck really.
  13. Loz

    Loz New Member

    Does anyone work as a character? I start same time as Bryce, and all I hear is how hot the suits are, but surely everyone's not in one all the time?
  14. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

  15. Jay1988

    Jay1988 New Member

    My flatmate was a character, he never complained about how hot it was. He loved his job, when your a charcter its 20 mins on 40 mins off, and sometimes if your just an extra you could have like a 4 hour break and still be payed for it!
  16. Elliot_Stone

    Elliot_Stone New Member

    I think if I did a charcter, which I know I won't be but if I did I'd rather be a Human character i.e. Aladdin, Hercules etc cause at least that way you can talk to guests and make your day go by better.
  17. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I would love to be friends with the Evil Queen. She's the only face character I can play (as being 5'10" there's not many female characters that tall! and actually all three of them are evil :eek:)
  18. Loz

    Loz New Member

    Bryce, that link was hilarious. Scary for the kid, but add Benny Hill music and it's funny as!

    Oh no about the height limits! I'm almost 6 feet tall and female. Looks like the suit for me! (Not that I mind, being used to warm climes)
  19. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    omg that link! does anyone know the story behind the pluto chase?
  20. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    Don't know the story but Pluto is really $%@#'d off with that kid. ;D
    The best part is when he trips on the curb!
    I wonder if that woman who grabs him is the kid's mum? She should of slapped him one lol.

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