Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sami-mouse, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. sami-mouse

    sami-mouse New Member

    hi all,

    Tell me to pee off if you think I am being really rude but I thought I'd ask you all this question, but if you don't ask you never know. I am returning to Disney for a holiday with my husband & son in October and we are saving our pennies like crazy... and I was hoping if anyone from the UK would be able to get us into Magic Kingdom or any of the parks. I know once you guys have been there three months you get a silver pass that allows you to sign in three guests. When I was at Disney I never used my pass for my family as my mum would never get on a plane - as she hated flying but if there's anyone that thinks that they wouldnt have family to visit them while they were at Disney and would be willing to help us out that would be great.

    I have written to all the leads and everyone i still know believe to be in Florida but I havent had any replies as of yet.

    Please don't be mad at me for asking this but you can only say no and that's not a problem either...

    sami :-\

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