Badges question :/

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by BeautifulBelle, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Hi everyone :)

    Just wanted to ask you a quick question about the badges you have to wear... do you get to say what name you want on your badge? Because I would want to use my middle name (Rose) and surname rather than first name and surname as it's what everyone calls me and my first name (Pascha) is kinda weird LOL. Is that possible?

    RosiePosiee x
  2. BriarRose

    BriarRose New Member

    Your surname wont be on the badge, its just your first name. And they ask if you'd prefer to have something else on it. I think a middle name instead should be fine.
  3. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    It should be fine as long as it's your actual name and not just something you made up ;)
  4. Elle

    Elle New Member

    My nickname is elle... and that's what's on my store badge and yummy said it would be fine for the CRP badge. It's part of my actual name so I guess it's not too out there... but Rosie should be fine. If I put my actual name i'd probably end up being very ignorant as i'm not used to being called it and wouldn't answer!

    Another badge question... what's the likelyhood of the location on my badge affecting my chances of getting the job? (I know this sounds weird, so bear with me) But when I was asked what place i'd like written I said London, UK. Now, would they want a diverse range of people from around the country? Because i'm from Manchester, but left there when I was 8, grew up in Wales (and feel more welsh) but then lived in Cambridge, Somerset, Lancaster and finally London. I said London as it is a city I know very well and love.... anyway with all this waiting for a call time, i'm now wondering whether this is going to affect my chances as they'll want people from everywhere and not just the most obvious place of London that might be over-represent.... (omg, I actually went crazy during the wait.)
  5. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    i don't think it will matter what place you have on your name badge.

    Also, when you get there and you want to change what name or city is on your name tag you can just go to costuming at the park you are working in and request a new one with the new details. They will take like $2 out of your paycheque for this. I did this, and the costuming lady let go to her side of the desk and write what i wanted in the name and town bit on the computer! It then takes like 10 days to come in.
  6. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Thanks guys and guuuuuurls :D

    I hope they don't dislike taking people from London, and I hope it's not too oversubscribed, I live here and always have so I can't very well put something else on there!

    "Oh yes.... ummm.... I would actually like to put.... hmmm.... ZIMBABWE on there. That's fine isn't it? I get to choose where I'm from right?" ;D
  7. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    It has to be a british town :p But what's most important to them is that you're qualified for the job, so it wouldn't matter that you want london on your badge. The big point is that you're british ;)
  8. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

  9. lish

    lish New Member

    When i went to my F2f interview there was a lot of paper work. here in canada we all wrote down the City and how we wanted our names to appear on the badges.

    it might be the same as where youre from...
  10. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    At the interviews they seemed to be quite leniant on the places. They offered the choice of putting United Kingdom or the individual country e.g. England, Wales etc. Similarly they gave the option of just putting a county rather than a town if I'd wanted
  11. glasgow paws

    glasgow paws New Member

    they're ok about it.

    People had their wee towns or even villages on their name badges. I remember someone wanting their nickname on their badge but it was a no - no.

    The best thing however, if you lose or misplace your name badge, you pay a couple of dollars, maybe $3, you go into a wee office at costuming, an they let you pick a name badge, they ask your name and tell you to pick something similar to your own name if you can't find your actual name.

    in the one month i was Keith, Frank, Bruno, Eduardo, Casey and Dwayne :)
  12. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    LOL the post above makes me laugh
    "Keith, Frank, Bruno, Eduardo, Casey and Dwayne"

    That's hysterical ahaa.
  13. Elle

    Elle New Member

    We did the same at my store! One day even I was Eduardo! They spelt my name wrong 3 times, Kelle, Ele, Elee.. it was great to finally have my actual real name badge.
  14. Cinders13

    Cinders13 New Member

    Hey everyone,

    Elle, I was a bit concerned with the home toen to give at my interview which will go on my badge to, 'cause I'm from Birmingham but now live near Stratford Upon Avon and have also lived in Bury St Edmunds, Plymouth and Nottingham! I went with Stratford 'cause it's where I live now!

    I don't know why I'm worry about that though, I'm still waiting to here back from yummy to see if I got in! Did u have ur CRP 5th March?

  15. Elle

    Elle New Member

    Yep! At 2.15pm! I think it's just the fact that we've been waiting so long now that I keep going over the interview and trying to pick reasons why I wouldn't get the role. And the badge one just stuck out. I mean surely they wouldn't want 20 Londoners going over, and maybe 5 from the rest of the UK? Even if we were all perfectly qualified then it wouldn't be a fair represtentation of the UK if we were all from the same place! lol
    I'm over-scrutinising every thing now though. I'm pretty sure I shook his hand too fiercely too... but that's a whole other neurotic thread! lol

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