
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by ChelBelle, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Hey guys! I am applying in July for the CRP and was just wondering if anyone knows how many attraction positions they have in the Canadian pavilion? I wanted to apply for attractions but if there are more positions in merchandise or food and beverage I will apply there, to increase my chances of getting hired! Thanks so much! :)
  2. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    There isn't really a set number... at your interview you get a paper where you check off which position you'd like (as well as your backup choice). If they like you then they take you, like any job lol
    My brother just started in attractions and he said they told him atm they have the highest amount of Canadian CRPs they've ever had right now. It isn't like they specify that at any one time there are EXACTLY 15 people in attractions, 50 in f&B, etc... I'm sure they have approximate numbers as to how many they'd like to have, but really if you wow them then they will make a place for you ;)
  3. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Excellent! Thanks for your reply! :D
  4. WinterSun

    WinterSun New Member

    Hey :) I work in canada attractions been here 10 months now. At any one time we have hopefully 8 or 9 ppl working the attraction. currently we have 9, but people are leaving and arriving every coupld of months. we have myself leaving in june one in july one in october etc.

    I say if you really want attractions put it down as #1 i can say that only ppl who put atractions as their #1 get it, and if you don't get attractions its enitrely likely they will put you in F&B instead of skipping over you just because there are no spots in attractions.

    Attractions is awesome, just don't have a fear of public speaking cause thats a huge part of it :)

    Good luck
  5. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Thanks for the info! I am definitely going to put attractions as my number one and hope for the best! I hope you had an awesome time in WDW :D
  6. WinterSun

    WinterSun New Member

    I had an amazing time here! You'll love it here. Good luck on your interview, and who knows maybe you'll be down here soon working with some of my trainees :p
  7. pam24

    pam24 New Member

    Hey "WinterSun".. I'm actually going this summer but on the ICP program, only for two months, and i'll be working in Attractions, i've read that it's a little bit boring... I read a poll description saying that is was a "poor,boring, pressing bottons all year long" position.. So I'd like to hear from you how true is that descriptions, and what kind of things do you actually get to do... :)
    it'd be awesome if you can answer this, thanks!!
  8. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    Hey Pam, we were actually talking specifically about the Canadian Pavilion attraction but since you're going on ICP, then I think technically they can put you anywhere. So it really depends what attraction you'll be working on. I guess, yes, mostly it's repetitive pressing buttons and asking with that Disney smile, "how many in your party?" but according to my brother, in the Canadian Pavilion at least, you change posts every hour. So you may be greeting guests for an hour and then the next hour you're pressing buttons and the next you're introducing the ride/movie/whatever.

    A friend of mine worked at Indy Speedway for her ICP a few years back and ya she has complained about getting run over by guests but I know for a fact that she would go back to it in a second. And maybe wear shin guards under the lovely jumpsuit lmao

    The bottom line is, you're going to work at Walt Disney World. Seriously, we are very lucky. I'm sure millions of people would love to be in the position we're in, whether we're in attractions, merch, custodial, or anything else. This is the Most Magical Place on Earth, and to me, we aren't going for a 'job'; we're going for an amazing experience.
  9. pam24

    pam24 New Member

    that's so very true, and i'm honestly glad and excited about this experience and all.. but i just was wondering about the job because of several different things, of course i don't care if i have to be doing whatever! it''d be on Disney, and that's a plus for a resume you know!.. and thanks for answering my questions:D
  10. WinterSun

    WinterSun New Member

    yeah attractions can be boring at times, but especially in greeter and kidcot postions we get lots of leeway to interact with the guests as much as we want which can be fun. You get lots of stupid guests and guests who will make you super angry but in the end its worth it, especially when you make magic for guests or just have a really good conversation with an awesome kid, or meet a really nice family, those are the ppl you have to focus on.

    this is all just based on canada attractions , depending on what attraction you are in it will be different, but you do rotate positions pretty often which helps with the boredom.
  11. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    It's good that they rotate people around! The Canada attractions sound like they would be pretty good :).

    Quick question about the O Canada attraction if anyone knows.... is it still the movie hosted by Martin Short or is it the other one? Thanks :D
  12. forloveofmusic

    forloveofmusic New Member

    It's the Martin Short one
  13. ChelBelle

    ChelBelle New Member

    Oh good, I like that one better!

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