Arriving June?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by PrincessAshi, May 23, 2007.

  1. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    How many June Arrival dates are there? I know there's a June 12 and 19 but someone mentioned they were leaving this Sunday.

    i am a Canadian who startded in April...we are getting excited for our new arrivals!
  2. Andrea

    Andrea New Member

    Canadian ICPers arrive on Sunday May 27th ;D
  3. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    some...some arrive on the 12th and 19th of June...but good to know that we have some arriving on the 27th
  4. nixon

    nixon New Member

    12th for me! :)
  5. linsey

    linsey New Member

    i think june is really busy. 12th, 19th, for the crp, and 3rd, 24th, for the ICP... that's the UK anyway. i think. And there's some at the end of may too as said, I think that's mainly canada.

    you'll be inundated!
  6. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    The ICP people on the 27th aren't really what you're looking for (I think)... I mean yes their Canadians in Florida but they wont be in the Commons/the pavilion, and I assume those are the arrivals you're looking for?
  7. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    It's all good, I was just wondering
  8. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    lol no problem, just trying to clear up some (possible) confusion I thought I was seeing.

    I may be wrong but I think there's just usually one or two arrival groups each month for the pavilions so the 12th and 19th could be it.
  9. PrincessAshi

    PrincessAshi New Member

    Must be the Pavillion groups on the 12 and 19 but all the ICP orientation meetings are here at the Commons so there are just a LOT of extra people around!
  10. simmyd23

    simmyd23 New Member

    Uk people arrive on 5th or 24th/25th (cant remember which one - I just know i arrive on the 5th).
  11. dannyrock4

    dannyrock4 New Member

    hi there just to let you know, i arrive on 19th June working in the UK pavillion. Cant wait to meet you all!!!!
  12. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    Sounds like june's going to be busy!!!! I'm starting on 12th June in UK Fand B - cant wait! yummy told me that there are a dozen or so Uks for the crp on the 12th and agin on the 19th
  13. sabz

    sabz New Member

    Hannah, are you flying june 12th?? what flight are u on? i have only found one other uk person who is on my arrival date x
  14. hannahnyc

    hannahnyc New Member

    hiya i'm actually not arriving on the 12th (although that is my arrival date) im flying a couple days early but i will be arriving at the airport at midday on the 12th with a friend of mine who's the 12th aswell - what time do you get in? are u f&b or merch?
  15. msep003

    msep003 New Member

    Hey did you guys know you flight schedules already ?

    i paid about €468 with tax but i don't know who i'm going to fly with .

    If we fly with British Airways we'll fly to Miami and then to Orland with American Airlines and then if we Fly With Air France we also fly to Miami and then to Orlando with Delta .

    if we fly with BA i'll take 3 Flights Paris to London , London to Miami and Miami to Orl .
  16. Pijuel

    Pijuel New Member

    Mexicans for CRP are arriving June 12 and 19.

    13 mexicans on June 12 ( me included ;D)

    and 2 on June 19

    So 15 mexicans arriving in June for the CRP.

    - Joel
  17. sabz

    sabz New Member

    my flight leaves Gatwick at 11.05am (UK time) and gets to Orlando 15.20 (Fl time) I am also flying from Manchester to Gatwick tho coz it was cheaper than rail!!!
  18. arron87

    arron87 New Member

    im leaving tomorrow at 10:25am! arriving in orlando 2:35pm

    theres at least 7 or 8 of us.... anyways, i really should go and start packing!

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