Okay, I got sent my (very cute) luggage tags and things in my welcome package but not name tag for the airport, should I have it already or do I get sent it after I've confirmed to them that I have my visa? (I'm not leaving til September 20th so I've faxed my acceptance back but haven't got my visa appointment yet). I know we get some info about a month before we go, will it be in that? What else will be in the info we get a month before?
hey am going in 2 weeks and i haven't got a name tag for the airport! I dunno wot info u mean, it sounds as if u have it all! got ur grooming guidlines yet? By the way... long time no speak Wot u been up to? u haven't been on here that much! Bry
You don't get a nametag for the airport that I know of. The green luggage tags are how they identify you. My suggestion would be to NOT put them on your luggage until you get to Orlando. They are only made of paper and could easily get ripped off before you get there...so after you pick up your bags in baggage claim, put them on then. Shan
Okay, maybe I'm getting confused, I thought we had name badges so they would know who we are when we got off the plane. Also, I thought we put the luggage tags on because disney people were picking up our bags. Arrgh, I'm so confused ??? Yeah Bry, I had a dissertation to write (8,000 wods, wrote it in a 36 hour stint just as it was due!) and exams to do so I was but finishing uni for a while, but hopefully I'm back now!
yeah i was gonna say that zanita where ahve u been lol? i think by arrival tag things they mean the 2 cute mickey stickers i think we jus hav to wear them? dot hold me to that tho ;D
Yeah, this is what I'm asking, what mickey stickers? In my pack (the blue thing) I had my acceptance letter that i had to fax back, the red book with dress code and stuff in it, the example contract, the insurance leaflet and my two luggage tags - no stickers! Am I mean to have them or do they come with the info you get after you've told them you have the visa?
they are just the ordinary mickey stickers u get from ppl in the parks, if u havnt got them i would ring jason or somethin - maybe he will send u a whole roll of them lol ;D
Hey Zanitta, nice to see you back on here!! ;D Kelly's right you should of got in the pack 2 round mickey stickers which is what we have to wear so they now who we are when we get to orlando airport.(email Jason and sak him to send you them) With the luggage lables, julie said to put them on your cases when u check in,in the u.k so when they get to orlando someone who is there to meet us will notice our bags and collect them for us. Shan I know what you mean about them only made from paper lets just keep fingers crossed they stay on the bags Helen x ;D
i mite put a few disney stickers of my own on there cos my sister has laods of winnie the pooh and disney princess stuff so i mite add a few of those onto them just incase anythin goes wrong? ;D
if the hav any sense they would think ah this looks like a disney case? if not then they are stupid, as much as i live disney i dont think i would put disney stickers all over my cases for the fun of it lol ;D
Hi When you're talking about the acceptance paper, do you mean the paper for the Q-1 visa? I've sent that one plus the one for insurance, but what about the pink one with the policies and the grey one for the housing program?-are we supposed to fax or send them now as well, or should we bring them to USA? Are a bit confused as it doesn't say in the letter...
they are just drafts apparently we sign real ones of them when we arrive....should yummy like confirm they recied our fax coz im worried mine mite not av snet properly! lol
I agree with you in that...I've tried to send a mail too, just to ask some questions about the insurance and to ask if the've got my papers yet, but they're really slow on answering....and I don't want to bother them since I know they're quite busy :-\
Yeah, I know Anne, I wrote Noëllie around three weeks ago, and she still hasn't replied, she has been really slow lately. First time I wrote her, I got a reply the next day...
Don't stress about not having the stickers. When you get there, you'll collect your own bags and the people will meet you. I would definitely NOT put on the tags in the UK...they won't make it. I can't see the Disney people standing there and taking 10 peoples bags off for you...there were only two of us and they didn't even help us!!! Just put them on when you get there. They know who they are looking for...all new arrivals have the same look!!!! I don't think I wore my stickers and they found me fine...you'll be looking for them too...so it works out. They don't just wander the airport, they know what flight you are on and it's easy to find the right baggage claim area in Orlando...it's open and anyone can go there. Shan
Yeah I agree completely with you shanny... u dont have to wear them. when i arrived there i wasnt using them and they found me & my arrivals inmediately so dont you guys worry have fun Carlos