are we housed with amercians

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by melanieuk, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. melanieuk

    melanieuk New Member

    i was wondering do we get placed in the same housing complexes with americain people!!> i hope so.
  2. linsey

    linsey New Member

    as far as I'm aware, for the CRP anyway, it's no more than 25% of housemates being your own nationality. But who the other ones are is pot luck. I would think the college program has more chance of being in with americans though!
  3. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, you'll definetly get housed with some american people..Whatever program your on..There quality as well, well 99% of them! Had a proper good laugh last year..I only worked with like one english person all summer..American people seem to love the english..For some reason :-\
  4. rach

    rach New Member

    Are people normally placed with others who arrive on the same day as them or could they be put in with people who've already been living there?
  5. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    from what ive been told you could be in with other new people or you could be put in with others who have been there for a while,it seems like its totaly random. I think they must just put you in where theres a free bed!!!
  6. linsey

    linsey New Member

    i think it comes down to where there's a space opened up. and also maybe on the size of the appartment you're put in. but you'll be with people already there.
  7. linsey

    linsey New Member

  8. dryice7670

    dryice7670 New Member

    Actually no, There are three housing Complexes, The Commons - all the internationals who work at Epcot live there. Basically anyone doing the Cultural Program lives in The Commons, Chatam Square is mostly for anyone on the International College Program and also Americans, and Vista Way Vista is mostly where all the Americans are placed, Mostly kids on the College program, Chatam is used as overflow.

    I was in the Commons for 13 months and the only time I ever saw any Americans is if they were at a party, or invited into the commons, you see them on the busses and things cause those are shared between the resorts though. Hope that answers some questions. If anyone wants to know more PM me I will answer Any Questions.
  9. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I found that it was when you got there if there was two spare beds in a room, they'd put you with someone you'd arrived with..But if there wasn't any of them left..They'd just fill the gaps and put you in the rooms where there was only one person..

    If your flat occupancy goes below the level of 50%(that sounds quite intellectual for me!!) then you have to be moved..

    Don't ask me why..its price management rules..Nobody no's what runs through that companies heads! haha..
  10. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    Melanie, dryice is right, you'll get to be at the Commons if you're doing the cultural rep program, hardly any americans around
  11. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Erika, did you used to live at chatham last year?

    I don't really know about the cult rep program..and the commons..You never really hear or see much about these while your there..
  12. maxitaxi

    maxitaxi New Member

    Which one is it that all the welness apartments are in? Surely they'll be mixed with Americans too cause aren't all the unders put together?
  13. louise

    louise New Member

    Everyone is forgetting the treehouses which really aren't that bad. But only internationals lived there last summer. In treehouses most people were housed with people who arrived on the same day.
  14. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    every apartment complex has wellness apartments. people on the ICP will be in the treehouses, chatham or vista, although i only knew people on it in vista and treehouses.
    also i didn't live with any americans. I had 1 housemate from hong kong, one from france and 4 of us from the UK.
  15. erika_svart07

    erika_svart07 New Member

    Hey John! Nope, I lived at Commons about 2 yrs ago.
    I know what you mean, you don't get to hear much about the people from the college programs either and since most of Commons work at Epcot, at least you see them in the bus :p
  16. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    I lived in Vista last summer and it was brilliant. In my apartment we were all Brits - well, 3 English, 2 Welsh and 1 Irish - then the apartment down the hall (viva 1105!!) was 5 American boys and 1 Scot. Everyone else in the building was either American or Mexican pretty much and they were all awesome. I basically lived in 1105 I spent so much time there :)

    That said, a couple of the girls in my flat quit the program and I got to live with a French girl (GREAT cos I study French :)) and a Japanese lass for 2 days as well!! I also had a room to myself for 5 weeks...which is very rare and was VERY awesome :D
  17. RCP

    RCP New Member

    When I was there a few americans from the advanced internship or CPs lived in the commons, now I have no idea, I heard that even there is a new house complex calles Tree Houses or something like that, as someone said Commons is basically Internationals, Vista CPs americans mostly and some internationals that work in DAK and DMK, cause they commute better from there to work, and Chatamm is like more random it was for CPs and other short porgrams for central america and brasil.

  18. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    so do you usually get moved around your housing? if so is it just a flat or do you move around complexs aswell
  19. louise

    louise New Member

    Your very unlikely to be moved complexes. Last year the people living treehouses wanted to move to vista but they weren't allowed unless they had exceptional circumastances. Also if you live in the treehouses then you will be working at the magic kingdom.
  20. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    oooh treehouses sound fun... whats wrong with them if people wanted to move?

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