Are we considered students still???

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Canuckliz, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. Canuckliz

    Canuckliz New Member

    Hey guys!!

    I was just wondering if the international program was concidered a student program or if it is strictly a job, I know that we have oppurtunities to take courses.....I was just wondering becasue if it was I would still be covered under my parents insurnace and could save myself a bundle of money!!!!!


  2. helen

    helen New Member

    Im mot sure if this will help, but im not a student and i've got a job on the international program, but also i think people cant take a year out of college to do it not sure if they are still classed as students tho.

    don't know if that made sence ::)

    Helen x
  3. Marie

    Marie Guest

    This is so confuddling! I think if people are doing it as a placement year they are still students as their student card hasnt expired.
    I just graduated and my cards expire end of summer. I have an AMC movie discount card and that expires in august from US students go back to college. Dont think the program qualifies us as students (unless we're on a placement year) as on the visa forms we were told to answer no to the are u going to study question. I could be so wrong on this tho! Maybe ask ur recruitment people.
  4. Isolda

    Isolda New Member

    You can be covered by your parents insurance, just take copies and proof that you are going to be covered the whole year and you dont have to take another type of insurance.....
  5. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member

    my international recruiter just called me tonite and i asked her the same Qn and she told me its a job, cos they offer us housing, and obviously a job! so it shouldnt be consider as a student program!


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