are u a nutter test.........

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tinkerbell, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    Are You a Nutter?
    Uh oh natalia, the men in white coats tell us that you're Barking Mad!
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    Put simply, you're a nutter. But we mean that in a good way! - Nutters can be heaps of fun. Whether it's a physical stunt or an emotional leap, you'll do and try anything at least once. Dancing on top of a bar (even when you're sober)?
    That’s a bit of a laugh. Telling someone you're in love on the first date? No worries, if that's how you feel. You love doing things other people regard as a bit daft, and you probably can’t be bothered if they laugh at you - as long as they're laughing, who cares why? Getting a reaction is what it's all about. Your devilish attitude suggests that you have a strong urge for fun and excitement. But remember to use your common sense and listen to the little voice inside your head (no, not that one) every so often. If your reputation merely consists of "that person who does all those mad things," you may end up disappointed when people won't take you seriously in other situations. And whilst it's fine to feel both positive and negative emotions strongly, you shouldn’t let your feelings rule every aspect of your behaviour. It's one thing to want to be honest and direct, but trust us, balance and moderation are good things. As long as you temper your unrestrained approach to life with occasional periods of sanity - and do your best not to get arrested - it's completely acceptable to be as mad as a hatter.

    lol...thats not good so what if i make up words and talk to my dog ::) ::)
  3. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol well its somethin i already knew but anyway

    Uh oh Sara, the men in white coats tell us that you're Barking Mad!

    Put simply, you're a nutter. But we mean that in a good way! - Nutters can be heaps of fun. Whether it's a physical stunt or an emotional leap, you'll do and try anything at least once. Dancing on top of a bar (even when you're sober)?
    That’s a bit of a laugh. Telling someone you're in love on the first date? No worries, if that's how you feel. You love doing things other people regard as a bit daft, and you probably can’t be bothered if they laugh at you - as long as they're laughing, who cares why? Getting a reaction is what it's all about. Your devilish attitude suggests that you have a strong urge for fun and excitement. But remember to use your common sense and listen to the little voice inside your head (no, not that one) every so often. If your reputation merely consists of "that person who does all those mad things," you may end up disappointed when people won't take you seriously in other situations. And whilst it's fine to feel both positive and negative emotions strongly, you shouldn’t let your feelings rule every aspect of your behaviour. It's one thing to want to be honest and direct, but trust us, balance and moderation are good things. As long as you temper your unrestrained approach to life with occasional periods of sanity - and do your best not to get arrested - it's completely acceptable to be as mad as a hatter.
  4. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    haha nat we r the same!

    i know i was just talkin 2 my cat, he was talkin 2 me so i spoke bk ;)

  5. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    :D lol sara!!!!!...well we cant just ignore our pets now can we! ;) ;D ;D ;D

  6. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    well, i got the same as u sara , im barking mad!

    Sarah :D
  7. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    oo gosh were all barking mad so far! :-X :-X :D ;)
  8. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    guess what.....i got the same too ;D ::) ;D
  9. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    we are all crazy! thats great!

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